4 years 8 months Autistic son

Hello everybody!
I just wanted to ask if this method could work for my son. He is almost 5 years old and was diagnosed with autism. He is very smart and already knows is numbers, letters, letters sounds, and some words. Does some one of you have tried this method with autistic kids?

Also, I do not understand how you can buy a curriculum for 6 months, one year, or forever… what is the difference?

I’ll really apreciate any sugestion for me.

Well, Little Reader uses right brain and multisensory methods.

Glenn Doman was the pioneer of right brain stimulation, and in the beginning he worked primarily with special needs kids with great results. It was only later that he thought to himself, “if this method can work with special needs kids, surely it must work with well kids?”.

Little Reader comes with a 6 month plan, which gives you a 6 month curriculum and lets you use it for 6 months, then there is a 12 month plan, which has a 12 month curriculum and lets you use it for 12 months. The Lifetime plan has a 12 month curriculum but let’s you use if forever, which you may want to if you’re creating your own content or downloading more content from our download area.

Thank you very much for the information :slight_smile:
Now it is more clear for me how does this work!

It is there an example available of how, lets say, the first day (or any other day) of the curriculum looks like?

Hi Vero,
I am PY, I am a Teacher for kids with special needs.
I read the book "How To Teach Your Baby To Read (The Gentle Revolution) by Glenn Doman and Janet Doman, you can find it amazon. It tell you their experience teaching special kids to read.
The LR curriculum has tought my daugher to read in spanish and english, My daughter is 18 months old, she started with LR five months ago. She can read in spanish(I’m spanish speaker) and english too.
LR works like this: It shoes you slides, with words, pictures, life images and voice(help to guide the kids with pronunciation).
Besides all this you can also download from this web other downloads form other’s member.We have several languages you can choose from, and english too of course.
I hope it helps I have experience working with autistic children, they have so many talent and good memory, they love music too.
Take care

My son is 4years and 3 months old and I started flash cards fulltime(I was doing it on and off since he was 22months) and in last then a month he has learned over 30 words and his trying to read books. Yes I would try. I use powerpoint and paper recipe cards, mostly paper though as it travels nicely in my purse

We have a free 14 day trial. Just go here http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/index.php and you’ll see the info.

Thank you all for all this information,
I already read Glen Doman book: “What to do with your brain injured child” and I am very familiar with this fabulus method that you are using here. I just have been working in so many other things with him that we have not had time to even try to use it. His attention span is much better know and I think he is ready. I was just worry that may be it is too late for him to use this method.

I am Spanish speaker and this give me difficulty in trying to teach my son to read in English… I have practicly memorized every word and does not really know the rules. That is why I need help.

I am going to check the link for the trial.
Thank you for the information and suport!