4 year old Talking too much

Ever since my grandson has learned to talk, you can not get him to stay quiet. But more recently its becoming more of an issue. He interrupt adults in conversations, he shouts to be heard, and I have to talk over him just to be heard. I know he’s learning more and more each day but how do I get him to learn that its respectful to just be quiet. Anybody with a little chatterbox that can’t shutup? LOL!

I think I have a chatterbox at home too! lol
My son would do that just to get attention. He doesn’t like to be left out of the conversations. We keep telling him it isn’t okay to butt in when adults are talking even though he said “excuse me”.)
He has to wait until we finish. We would make conversation short. If he still interrupts the conversation, we simply tell him we will go talk elsewhere and he can’t come with us.

I think that it is time to start an aggressive campaign on Manners. It won’t do to have a 4yo know some of everything but Manners and this is the stage where kids basic manners make them either unbearably cute or just unbearable.

Get books to segue into various topics, have a quiet thinking time 4-5 times a day, (Quiet Thinking Time is when everyone is just quiet for about 5 minutes to just relax and decompress. You must not speak and your toys can’t make a great deal of noise.) Talk about manners and respect in the morning, during the day and at night. Put him to bed with a hug and a reminder, greet him in the morning with a hug and a reminder.

What sort of discipline do you use with your son?
If he wont respond within 10 days with some improved behavior, then I say consequences may be in order. Put him in the corner, take a toy from him, something.

I say make 2014 the year that manners of all kinds are emphasized and prioritized. There is a fine line between cute, excitable little kid who is a bit rambunctious and an a kid with obnoxious manners who is a big pain.

Thank you both for your help! I will keep you guys posted! 8)

Kids talking is really a gift. Teaching manners is parents duty :slight_smile: