I’ve come across the video with description “4 Year Old Boy Plays Piano Better Than any Master” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omuYi2Vhgjo&feature=youtu.be
Amazing little boy, butI can’t open website pianocoachpro Can you?
Yes, the link of PianoCoachPro is accessible for me. the link: [affiliate link removed]
p/s: Skylark, why edit my post? :wub: . I am now with soft mozart subscription but the increasing cost seems to be a barrier to our next scription. I just want to have more ideas about products available in the market.
You have 3 posts here on the forum and appear to be here only to post your affiliate link (which happens to pay out 70% per sale). That looks suspiciously like spamming the board, so Skylark edited your post accordingly and I am about to do the same. Subtle affiliate links shared by participating members of the community are one thing…people here just to make a buck without offering anything in return are another.
I look forward to reading your future contributions to the group. Good luck on your search for a great piano program, we have been enjoying the Piano Maestro app. Just look in the itunes app store.
Thanks TeachingMyToddlers for your inforamtion.
Big suprise to me when hear your explanation about edditing. I am just a mom asking for advice and ideas from knowlegble parents here no more than that. Affiliate is alient terms to me. lol And I just start understading why just very few products are discussed here.
Please accept my apologies if you legitimately posted an affiliate link without realizing it, 99% of the time if a new person has very few posts and posts that they DO have are centered around affiliate links, they are simply here to “spam” the forum. It is in hopes that others will click their link and spend money, thus earning them a commission for referring that person. For our regular participating members of the community who truly desire to converse with other EL parents about parenting and EL, it’s fine to post an affiliate link in your “signature,” it is best not to devote an entire thread to it.
And there are certainly many discussions about other learning products, we encourage sharing anything and everything having to do with teaching your child. I found the link to the creator’s website and I will include it here for you. Feel free to continue sharing and discussing it on the Product Reviews board. Welcome to the forum.
We have a dedicated Board for discussing and reviewing every program you can possibly think of related to EL :yes:
Check it out, I am sure you will find it helpful, there are literally hundreds of programs discussed and reviewed there!
Keeping all products reviews in one place, helps forum members to :
- Easily find what they are looking for
- Keep other discussions free of advertizement and focus on discussing EL as opposed to promoting products
Regarding Piano Programs. In my family we like Hoffman Academy – Great video tutorials ( and they are free) and PianoMaestro, mentioned by TeachingMyToddlers definitely a winner, it combines features of very expensive programs. but for a fraction of price. With all 3 of my children we used Little Musician, first, which gave them a very strong foundation. Having done that, we let them experiment with different instruments and once they discover the one they would like to learn we would help them to pursue that.
I accidently saw a clip of a boy talent in my eyes and a brief introduction about a product attached with that video. Just wanted to share the clip and take ideas about performance and experience (if any) of the product mentioned. As i am on the way looking for switching from a quite high-cost product
Before saying something more, i would like to say thanks Teachingmytodlers for her explanation about affiliate link & related information. And also feeling relieved at her apology.
I was uncomfortable at explanation of affiliate suspection. There was definite action in one-way and rude manner in reply to something just suspected. But i though my uncomfortablity at the time would make me say something offensive. But they keep repeating one-way, rude way in reply to others with their right in giving karma. Then I just want to last time reply this topic, even in this forum
Replies from above moderators give no light (even flickering one) on the matter but label. Though thank you for your bonus information (after putting labels), supplemental information provided are totally irrelevant to questions.
My 1st post, raising question: karma -1
My 2nd post, giving feedback on label: Karma -2
I guess 3rd time opening mouth would be Karma – 3,4,5…whatever penalty thought of
Labels attached with negative karma, I just feel nothing more than being offended.
I wish you do a better job in the role of global moderators
Dear lighthouse09,
Community members can give each other “Karma” points to show appreciation or disapproval over what others have posted on the board. When a member makes positive contributions or helps another member, folks can click positive or negative karma to express their reaction. I hope that clears it up for you.