32 months NACD update

So we have been working with the NACD for the last month. I love it. I’m so glad I took the plunge. I blogged about Zs programs if your interested in reading it: http://earlylearningmom.com/2015/01/nacd-early-learning-at-32-months-old/

I enjoyed your update and your entire blog. Thank you.

I was unfamiliar with NACD so I went to their website. I’m now listening to Robert Doman’s Youtube videos. There is a lot of valuable information on the website and the videos. It is very different from the Glen Doman information so I am really enjoying being exposed to a whole different set of early learning ideas.

In your list of educational gifts on your blog, I saw you mentioned Rachel and The Treeschooler’s DVDs that I hadn’t heard about yet. I am looking into getting those. or seeing if they are at the library yet.


Thanks Julia! I’m glad you came by my blog. Please do subscribe!

Rachel and the Treeschoolers are AWESOME! My son is not allowed to do a lot of repeat videos, so we only watch it once every month or so. Its an awesome series!

I wouldn’t say NACD is completely different then the IAHP. They do use several of the same program, but tweaked. The nice thing about them I find is the mind set. THey work with families and the programs are not a cookie cutter model, like the IAHP. The NACD program is designed for your child and only your child. They ask you what kind of time you are able to invest and work with that.

Thanks again for visiting my blog!