3 year old reading

I just uploaded a video of my three year old reading. Excuse the quality it was spur of the moment.

Congratulations on your success. Let your little one Know how proud I am of his hard work :slight_smile:
I’m actually a new mother and watching your video gave me some inspiration. I have a 4 month old baby girl and I wanted to ask you how often did you practice with your precious one to begin to read and at what age did you start.


Congratulations. Keep up the good work. I like how he is sounding out the words he doesn’t know. He is definitely using his phonics knowledge so he’s proving wrong those “experts” that say children can’t be taught phonics. I am also using a combination of phonics to teach my boy and though he first learned a lot through whole word reading, I have been supplementing that with Phonics and it is really working well for new vocabulary that shows up in our daily reading. I really like the approach that Dad Dude used with the flesch words and my boy has learned a lot from Rhyming as a way to help decode. I finally got a camcorder type camera and while it looks like the quality of video isn’t that good ( I will have to see if I can figure on making the video clearer if possible) I also want to get some video up because I am also proud of my little one. A year ago I would never believe that my 2 1/2 yr old would be reading at the level that he does. So anyone out there with any reluctance…just forge ahead. You won’t be able to imagine the educational journey that your child will take you on once you give them a jump start. Again Great job with your boy linzy. Wishtroll I wish you a lot of luck. This is a wonderful site with so many resources. The parents here are so dedicated and in tune with their children. This is by far my favorite site for early education and the parents on this site have been the greatest inspiration. I don’t think my boy would be as well rounded educationally, socially, and physically at this age without the information and ideas that I have received from the wonderful parents and contributors on this site.

Also I forgot to mention, Dad Dude had recommended this site on another thread and I can’t remember which thread it was. It is www.literactive.com. My son likes this site. He can navigate through some of it himself and one of his favorite rhymes right now is " on top of spaghetti". He has been asking for meatballs and while he’s eating he keeps saying “I lost my poor meatball”. I hear him saying the whole rhyme to himself often and I make him a fake meatball out of playdough and he puts it on a play plate and makes it roll off the plate and on the floor while saying the part of the rhyme " it rolled off the plate and onto the floor". Check it out, it won’t disappoint. If anything it will definitely help with their imagination as well…

Great work linzy! :slight_smile: Congratulations! Your little is adorable… :slight_smile:

Thanks, yeah it’s not his best reading, he was a bit distracted as it was late, and as you can see he wanted to add some words and talk about the pictures. But I am very proud of how he’s doing and I think with practice it gets easier every day.

Wishtroll: We started very young at just a few month but were not very consistent until 18 months at which time he learned quite a few words, we then became less consistent again and he forgot the words he had learned. By that time he was over two and knew all his letters and their sounds so we decided to go ahead with the phonics approach. We supplemented that with some sightword knowlege through “meet the sight words” DVD and he has been doing great. Somedays he reads 10 books somedays he doesn’t want to read any, but either way he’s improving and I think this has been one of the best investments of time I have made.

How cute! congratulations :slight_smile: