3-Year Old Artist!

Check out this video of 3-year old Zach painting with his hands and fingers!

WOW! BRILLKID! :smiley:

it is his passion :slight_smile: I see
the great way to make our children happy and brillant is an observation of their passions and interests

that’s amazing!

Some things are just inborn, arent they?? we can try to unlock this type of talent in our own kids, but some kids just have it, with no intervention. And it amazes me too how autistic kids can have amazing talents far beyond any non-autistic person…

Pretty amazing!

Wow! This kid is amazing.


After watching to the video, it is really amazing for a 3 year old boy can do such as great painting, he is really gifted.

wow ! just great! such a talented artist at this age!!!
such videos are so motivating. I have been giving my son crayons and color pencils, chalks etc, now I guess I would let him play with water colors too.

That is so cool! I couldn’t even paint like that. lol

It’s amazing how you can just tell he totally knows where to put his little dots in order to make the picture into what he wants. Amazing!

Wow, so artistic. What an amazing kid. I guess if you know your kid is interested in something and loves it, you foster it and it can turn into something amazing.

To KL: can u share wif us how u develop this skill and interest to ur amaizing lil kid!!!

this boy is amazing! he doesn’t need any pencil to tell him where to paint next - guess a lot of watercolorists don’t anyway.

my toddler isn’t even interested in crayons, colored pencils, etc. - all he wants to do is learn how to write the letters of the alphabet. :frowning:

i should probably let him see me doing artwork or bring him to a museum or let him attend art classes.

actually coloring is not that somebody can do and someone cannot do it… it only needs practice. Good job bro…

That’s not my kid!
(Um, I’m pretty sure about that…) :unsure:

It’s great you toddler has an interest in something. Just encourage him/her! :yes: All of us have different skills. Maybe he is going to be a great writer… :wink:

This video is amazing! Some people are just sooo gifted. I envy (in a good way) people that have a passion for something… As parents I think our job is to help our kids to find their passion, whatever it is and encourage it :yes:

Amazing I will say…!

Wow! This kid is amazing.

I don’t want to be a wet blanket or anything, but I don’t understand why the video was edited like that. It made it seem as if the little boy did not actually doing the bulk of the painting or that he had help with the painting. The video should have just showed the little boy doing the painting, even if they sped up the time window, without all of the cuts and music. Even if he did have help, it is still amazing, but I don’t like the possible dishonesty there. I don’t know, maybe I’m just a skeptic, I did not believe babies were even reading until I saw a 2 year old read in person!