3 day method of potty training

Has anyone tried this? My dd is getting quite close to being trained, but does not always tell me when she needs to go. She always goes when I put her on the potty though. I am wondering if this may be that extra step she needs to get it all to click.

We just trained my grandson. We knew he was capable, he just didn’t want to do. We just took the diapers away. He had a few accidents, but basically he is trained. He can now deal with the concept that he wears underwear and not diapers.

My daughter has a potty in the lounge area, one in her bedroom and a trainer seat on the toilet. That way, she does not need my help when she goes and seeing the potties, she’s more likely to remember.
It’s a great motivator for teaching them how to dress/undress.

I don’t know where you are in the process, but one huge motivator here has been acting out the potty process with dolls; over and over. This really helped my kids get the concept too. They think it is hilarious and even adlib their own versions that include just about anything. Sometimes stuffed animals use the potty, sometimes the phone uses the potty, sometimes the keyboard uses the potty…

Thanks for your thoughts everyone.

twinenergy - I’ve heard of stuffies & dolls using the potty but I had to LOL at the idea of your kids putting a phone or keyboard on the potty lol. Kids are so cute!

Thanks for the ideas. I’m not sure if we’re there yet, but we’re getting close. He asks for the “soon you’ll be a big boy” potty books regularly…

what do you mean by ‘tyied THIS’? Is ‘3 day method…’ a book or you are asking if for anyone worked training in 3 days?

It is a method of potty training. Here is a link:


Some 3 days methods are more rigid than this one & expect the child to be 100% trained after 3 days.

thanks kmum,
I saw they have tips for different ages of potty training.
Karma to you.

I’m glad it helped. It is a pretty good sight for general information.

My DD was potty trained by 20 months. So I don’t know how it goes with older babies. 3-day training sounds Ok but every child is different so it may take longer than that. We tried to let her go with buttom naked but ended up putting panties on to avoid “poopy” accidents on the floor and I didn’t want her sitting buttom naked on the cold tiles. I was keeping track of the time when she peed or pooped, it helped a lot. I had it marked on the paper, she never was on a schedule as some kids are (potty training goes much easier when the child poops and pees at approximately the same time every day, may be you’ll be lucky this way) but at least I knew how much time had passed since her last potty. And you need to watch for liquid intake as the child will have to go more often. We have only one potty but I used to put it in the place where she spent most of the time or in the middle of the house so that if she needs to go quick it was right there. When she was done with her potty training I moved the potty into her bathroom. Oh, if we are going somewhere, our potty goes with us, as she is scared to go on a toilet seat. Hope this helps someone.

Potty-training was something I was dreading to start, so I kept putting it off. I had a few shaky starts before my daughter turned three, but my patience would not last for more than two days. When LM turned 3, I tried again and this time she got it almost straight away. At the time she was quite fascinated with water play, and I remember when trying to explain to her what needs to be done, I asked her to “produce water”, :laugh: , which clicked immediately.She hardly had any accidents. Still can’t believe my luck. So I guess the trick is to make sure you start when the child is ready. I also did what hypatia suggested, that is she had her potty next to her all the time and would go herself whenever she wanted. if we went out I would take a travel potty with us. She also got plenty of rewards, whenever she did the job and we simply switched to normal underwear.
This, however, did not go so well with night-time as we still may have accidents. :blush:

I thinnk parents have to be aware of the importance of potty training as earlier as your child can. Don’t wait pass year 3. With my grandson we start late and he had problems in preschool being the only one with diapers. The firsts days there where accidents and he was called the BABY of the class. I think this can affect his self esteem. So, be consious and even though it is work to be on top of your child while potty training, start it as soon as you can.
I hope you get what i meant to transmit.

Thanks for the thoughts/ideas. Now that summer holidays are here, I’m hoping to set aside some time to really focus on pottying.

This is so heartbreaking. Who called him a baby, was it the teachers or the other children?

The other kids but when the teacher realized he talk to them to stop calling him baby. But we know he was somewhat affected because when he saw his twin cousins 2 yrs old, i don’t remember if it was with diapers or pacifier, he told me that his friends where going to called them baby. It is incredible how kids react.
Now he asks for the bathroom and even at night (at my sons house) he is without diapers.

We tried it, it didnt work for us. We still have night time accidents. Some kids just are not ready until they are ready.