3.5 mo. old not "crowling" no doman track....

We just built a Doman tack for our 3 mo old. On the 1st day she did some crawling like wiggling, and now she does not. She just layes there and does nothing then start crying. We put toys and books in front of her, but she has no interest in moving. Any advice?
PS: We don’t heat the room … did not doo earlier too

Do you have the track on an incline so that it is pretty much ‘impossible’ for her not to move? And then of course big celebrations when she does :biggrin:

Yes, the incline is great advice. When we start out, we don’t have the baby in just a onesie, we have them fully dressed so their outfit is slippery. Then we place our hands behind their feet. We don’t push them down the track, but our hands act as something for them to push off of, and encourage them to do so. After they have gone down the track a few times like that, we take a flat book and let them kick off of that instead. We move the book forward as soon as the baby makes space for it. After they are comfortable with that, we do the onesie with a book and progress from there. Especially if the room you are in is cold, this might be a good approach. Good luck! :slight_smile:

That sounds awesome! Thanks for advice!

WOw, great advice on excolating the complexity. Will try that. She is already at the age where she raises here legs when she is on the belly (an important development milestone) so I don’t understand how one can crawl having the legs up… or am I getting its all wrong?