2nd language

Is it possible to teach your little one a second language if it isn’t spoken in the home? Just wondering since I would love to give the gift of a second language to my children but don’t know how since I only speak English.

Yes it is possible. There are many books with English and Spanish with pictures. Both of my children speak and understand Spanish as well as English. They are 4 and 2. My husband is Hispanic but hasn’t been with us for 4 years. When the kids and I visit overseas, he only speaks Spanish with them. And I teach them at home with books. A good starter book that I used and still use is MY FIRST ENGLISH-SPANISH PICTURE DICTIONARY. You can find it at target for about $8. Its great that you want to teach them. They learn so much in their early years.

Here is a link if you would like to check it out.


That’s great that they can speak both! My only concern is pronunciation and putting the words together properly. I have taken a first year Spanish course through the college, but can I speak it, No :rolleyes:

I am thinking that Spanish would be the most practical second language for my kiddos to learn since it is very abundunt here in AZ. I know in school (especially Kinder) they expose the kids to some spanish, like numbers. My daughter loves Dora. Perhaps I can just keep building on things like that.

Thanks for your experience!

Another good thing about the book I forgot to mention yesterday. It shows the pronunciation for every word. So its even easier to learn. If you really want to teach them, buy that book. You wont be disappointed.

If you interested in teaching your children Spanish but you can not speak it, try with songs, tv programs,children books, etc. On the you tube there are lots of Spanish videos for kids. Look on the you tube for:

Guia infantil canciones infantiles


La gallina Turuleka

I hope it can help you, just try and see.