27 months old, too late?

I have a question to all that have expirince with doman math program,when my doughter was 1 we got LM and started her on it, it has been over a year and I still havent see any sign that she has lernt anything… so now I want to try giving Doman a chance, just Doman, starting day and going all tree months with the program , just as he sais it sould be done in : How to multyply your babys inteligence ( como multiplicar la inteligencia de su bebe). My idea is to: using LM program, to creat a curriculm that will goover the math as Doman explains, because I have done the flash cards on carbords… but it is soo hard to keep them away from their hands …
will it do any good?could it be still in time?

You can give it a shot, it certainly won’t harm anything–that is, unless she doesn’t care for it and develops an aversion to math. So, just follow her lead and don’t push her. Another mom on the forum had success with her child and started at 2 or 3 years old, so it’s not unheard of. You can download the doman math files for free from the Little Math library, day by day. If your child still does not respond to the Doman program, then you can try using LM in a way that may be more attractive to older kids. There are some hints here as to what worked with my kids: http://forum.brillkids.com/little-math/using-little-math-with-older-toddlers-and-preschoolers/

Let us know how it goes!

thanks!!! she does like LM, my son as well, but I just think she is not getting much, and I want to try something diferent, lest see how it goes!!!
I have found that the Shichida method is there to download, how do I sow those?3 times a day?
the Doman files… 3 times a day each? the fisth are easy to underestand… but then they start to put in sesions and sets… eachfile 3 times?

thanks for all the info!!
now that I´m hear, I have a 45 month boy… and I´m looking in to getting him right start math… he has been with LM since he was 26 months old… well he counts up to 100 and any reconnices any numbre between 1 and 999, sapes, simple math, … wich is the next good step, having in minde that money is an isu…

thanks again, this place is the best to finde any info, and I´m sooo greetfull with any aswer I get.