22 month old reading progress

Here is my little guy identifying his letters, numbers and sounds.


Still not doing too much as far as reading is concerned bu I anticipate that he will soon.For my elder son right after he learned his sounds was when his reading started really getting going.

For any of you out there with kids of similar ages where are they with their reading now and what does your daily learning plan lok like?

Neat! Way to go little guy and mama!

I’m shy about videos, but I may put one or two up temporarily…

My daughter is 20 months. She knows letter sounds (some letter names, but they have not been a priority). She can read CVC words when she wants to. She can read all of the preschool prep sight words, and a few little reader words, and a few she’s just picked up from being read to. I feel like we’re on the verge of a big explosion…

She knows numbers 0-10 by sight, and can count to 6, then it gets cloudy…if I jump in with 7, she’ll say 8, if I say 9, she’ll say 10. I have no idea if she has one-to-one correpondence yet, but we work on it daily.

Honestly, the biggest “area” I’m working on right now is practical skills. Getting a snack, cleaning up spills, putting away the activity after each use (I’ve slacked too much on that and have recently been trying really hard to make that our house rule. My 4 year old is doing fantastically with it.). She’s also potty trained (98%), so we’re working harder on dressing, etc. She can hang her own clothes up, do some of her dressing, take shoes off, put shoe straps on, put clothes in hamper, etc.

She doesn’t know all of the colors, or shapes. She’s interested, but just hasn’t gotten it yet.

She knows a few states. And she can hold a pencil correctly. I just let her have exposure now and try to let her draw everyday. I probably won’t start any handwriting “thing” until she’s 2. I do have Kumon first book of tracing I may start her on in a few months…we’ll see.

Daily learning plan:

Wake, potty - books (little reader books, letter sound books, number/quantity books, classic children’s literature, etc.)

Assist with dressing

Little reader/little math/some Starfall if we have time

Free play with Montessori toddler materials

At breakfast, she uses a youth chair (she can get into and out of it herself), she gets real glass cup (it’s small) or a straw cup and real silverware. We do a vocabulary word in the morning (geared for my older son, but she is present), then we look at one state (wherever daddy is, he travels, put a sticker on our map), look at the day/week/month, schedule for the day (I’ve got a chart thing from target $1 bin that has times in digital and analog then separate printouts for what we are doing at each of those times. We also sometimes look at a neat animal, landmark, and we’re going through the presidents.

After I take my oldest to school, we are pretty laid back at home. She usually watches some preschool prep or something else, might play some iPad games together. She’ll do some more Montessori toddler activities. We might do little reader cards. We might watch some Suzuki violin videos together or listen to sone classical music while I show her a picture of the composer. We also have 1 (one) set of EK bits that are hanging in a custom frame (van Gogh bits), which I will flash on request only (so, 1 time every two weeks or so…)

At her snack time, I have cards 1-10, with a large umber and that number of stars, laminated. At snack time, she can count out her snack pieces onto the card. She really likes this, and I know it’s helping her one-to-one correspondence.

We do lots of reading throughout the day and any time she goes potty.

When she takes a nap I sneak in another little math viewing on my iPad via splash top. She’s really sleepy then and just sort of fazes at it.

In the afternoons, we usually go somewhere, science museum or other museum, the library or the park, or my errands.

I also do some after schooling with my older and I know she benefits from overhearing.

Between dinner and desert, we all sit at the kitchen table and have reading time. Everyone reads. My older is going through the bob books again for fluency (he didn’t start to read until 3.5). My 20 month old and I read a preschool prep reader together. I stop at a word and ask her to read it. She’s reading only 2 words per page, on average. But I’m using the same book over and over, so I’ll know it’ll become easier and easier as I ask more and more from her. Then I read to the kids while they eat dessert. I’m currently reading a math start book for my youngest, and a chemistry book from Usborne for my oldest (but every is prent the whole time).

And she falls asleep to books on tape.

Geez! Sorry for the novel. What are your days like??

Wow, what inspiring progress! I love hearing about others programs it helps motivate me to keep consistent. Thanks for sharing about your day. I love the Montessori emphasis. My elder used to go to a Montessori school and the use of manipulatives and mastering life skills is wonderful. Your little one is so lucky you have that time together. Our days are a little different (unfortunately) as I work out of the house 4 days a week.

During the day education time tends to focus on my older son (5 yo). He does 3 math worksheets (1 addition, 1 subtraction and 1 multiplication), 1 page of spelling workout B and one page of a grade 1 language skills book. The reason why it is so worksheet focused is so that his babysitter during the day can run the program and it is just ready to go. When I get home we work on “First language lessons” and “Writing With Ease”. We also are slowly moving through the Jones Math 3 curriculum. He also does lots of silent reading both during the day and before bed, with me reading aloud to him before bed.

For my younger son he usually watches one video a day either Preschool Prep, YBCR or LeapFrog. Then he does flashcards with the sitter and lots of reading. Later in the day him and I will do more reading, sometimes Bob books using magnets to spell out the words and sounding them out together. We also will do either Little Reader or the Reading Bear program Dadude is developing. At the end of the day I usually read 1-3 books to him before bed.