2 year old activities


I am a stay at home mum and I am wondering what activities are good for 2 year olds?

Many thanks

Classical music playing while you do dancing together – waltzing, marching, etc
Teaching notes, rhythms, stiles of music
Reading books together
Sports activities - hopping, jumping, running, follow the leader style are real fun
Learning to use choke, crayons, paints, play-dough
Alphabet activities are great for that age, my girl is 2 years and 1 months and she LOVES LOVES LOVES her alphabet activities – videos with alphabet, alphabet singing games, matching games, starting to use plastic magnetic letters/numbers
Montessory activities with shapes/colors/textures; pouring; water play
Watching documentaries about animals, nature, etc
Simple puzzles
Flashcards are great!
Building with blocks
“handyman” activities - my girl loves her handyman set, it has wooden screws, hummer, etc, and it is great for fine motor skills
Pretend play – with doctor kit, pretend food, dolls, stuffed animals
Collecting shelves, leaves, berries, whatever is available where you are
Learning colors and finding objects with different colors around
Playing with the ball

These are just some of the activities we do with our 2 YO

Hope this is a help

Thats great thank you. How much social interaction do you think is necessary at this age?

It is a very important age for social interaction skills learning in my opinion. We usually have our kids ( 2 yo and 7 months) with us when we d shopping, paying bills etc, – that way they get to experience short simple interactions with different types of people, learn to put things in the shopping card, interact with cashier, be friendly with people they meet, make short term friends with other children we meet, knowing that they would not see them again probably. That we do almost every day

At the same time it is good to try to arrange play dates, so they learn how to interact in a longer lasting situation and continuity, sharing, playing. We trying to do a play date at least twice a week, more often if possible or sometimes it does ot work out.

We are pretty open to changes and flowing with different changes each week. Try to not regiment too much, see what your baby needs at the moment and make it fun whatever you do

Good luck!

Great. I am lisiting down more activities for my 18mo too. I swim a lot with my girl beside reading dancing and playing with her. We go out often because I am running out of idea what more indoor activities I could do with her. Glad to know that it’s good anyway for her social skills. And so with our almost everyday playdates. My auntie advised me not to have people coming over that often, afraid that the child might feel abandoned or losing our attention. I disagree and I glad I did. How do you teach music notes etc to your 2yo?

I made flashcards with notes, their positions on the staff, piano keys and guitar cords, names in both D,A,C etc and Do, Re, Mi, etc

We use piano, guitar and xylophone for notes recognition

WE use perfect pitch training audio program, – simple songs sang by children, and then the same melodies are sang with the names of the notes, we listen and dance to it

Little Reader has musical notes presentation

We also use and love LR musical instruments and we’ve got 5 Powerpoints in Russian with different unusual musical instruments – she loves watching those!

These are activities we’ve done so far

There are a lot of things/activities that you and your kid can do at 2 year old.

Construction toys like building blocks, Lego and the like.
Drawing. Be ready with drawing materials as toddlers tend to be creative and imaginative at this time.
Matching games or flashcards. Puzzles.
Push/pull toys.
toys trucks, cars, trains