2.5 month old signing milk?


I feel certain Nisarga is signing milk. However, everything I have read on this subject says that babies don’t start signing till 6 months or so. Am I imagining things? Tried to make a video, but he stops doing it, and turns to me and makes sucking sounds instead… :frowning:

So far, he has done it three times for sure, and once I wasn’t sure.

Described it on my blog too in more detail - http://www.nisargak.com/proud-mama/two-month-old-signing-milk/

Has anyone’s baby signed early too or am I just seeing what I’d like to see?



If your maternal instincts say that he is purposefully signing for milk, then he is. Congrats! :slight_smile:

I was finally able to get it on video. Its just as he stopped when I brought my phone close, but still, he did it, and I got it captured!!! I don’t know how to post videos here, so…


Have you been signing milk since birth? If so, I think it is quite possible that he is signing it. Milk is a very easy sign. Babies can easily open and close their fists, and if he sees you do it before he gets milk, then he might have figured out that that’s what it means. It’s not like there is a rule that babies have to be 6-12 months to start to sign. Just like walking and talking. Some babies do things earlier than others. And if you have been signing since birth, then he might pick up on it early.

If you think he’s signing milk then he is. My baby at a week before 5 months saw her bottle and signed milk with her right hand. My kids noticed it, and they were right. I wasnt signing to her at that moment, she was going by memory. That was a couple of days ago. And I hadnt shown her the sign that much. It’s like my previous baby said hi and hello at 10 weeks, kept saying it for a few weeks, then stopped for a long time. My kids noticed it first, and showed me.

Oh yes. I’ve been signing to him for quite some time. Most often as he is staring at me while drinking. Though I don’t think he understands it as a sign yet or is trying to tell me. I think he does it more because he associates it with getting his tummy full so it happens when he feels hungry (and not always).

I’ve started responding to him making the sign. I make it back to him and promptly take him to feed. Hopefully this will help him understand that he can also do it on purpose.

Oh I’m so thrilled! Happy, happy, happy!!! (I just need a happy smiley in a warm colour - yellow or orange… A blue smiley guy just isn’t expressing this…) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

This baby thing is far easier than I’d imagined through scaring myself from all the reading. Instinct rules!!!

Very cool! Babies catch on faster than many think. So sweet!