18 month old getting bored YBCR

Hi everyone. New here and so glad I found this forum. There is so much useful information on here!

Has anyone had any issues with early reading and an 18 month old? My child has been doing the YBCR since she was 5 months old. She knows most of the words very well and we are now on the last CD #5. There is probably 10-15 words in the series that she still has a problem with and I try to reinforce them daily through books, word cards, writing it out with chalk, etc.

She seems to be getting bored with the YBCR DVD’s, books and doesn’t want to do the word cards. She will cooppperate if it’s an easy word like cat or hat but when we get to a more complicated word she doesn’t even want to look at it! She will just get up, walk away and move onto something else. Not sure what to do to get her to learn these words or any other new words at this point? Should I just move on to the next series “Your child can read”? Anyone have any tips on dealing with an 18 month early reader that won’t sit to learn anything anymore!

I should mention that she LOVES reading books and will sit all day readying books with me. She just doesn’t want to learn any new words? Thanks!

If she has been watching these since 5 months old she probably already knows them and is bored and no longer interested in cooperating. I would definately begin YCCR because it is much faster paced, however, I think in many respects it is TOO fast paced. I don’t think it will bore her, but I could not even begin to count how many words are introduced in one dvd. Way more than YBCR if I remember correctly. Another one to add to your rotation is Your Baby Can Discover/Your Child Can Discover if you’re a fan of the YBCR people/videos in general.

I would use YCCR and LR simultaneously. She may not be fully interested in the words shown in the 2 week free trial because she already knows them (in the beginning, many overlap with YBCR), or maybe the new format or LR will intrigue her. But LR has 3,000 words versus 3 hundred or so in YBCR along with infinitely expandable content and community downloads that go far beyond learning to read and into general/factual knowledge such as geography science, etc. IMO, it’s the best, most versatile way to teach and allows for uploading custom pictures and creating stories about your child and trips to the park, zoo, etc. They love that! Plus you can print them out and literally make your own custom books very easily. Follow her lead if that’s how she prefers to learn, just make sure the font is big and incorporate old words plus new words into the stories. Get her a couple of first phonics readers too if you haven’t already with nice big print or make your own, there are some for download in the LR community library.

Also, look into www.readingbear.org and also the Readeeez youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Readeez/videos

I second that! Word for word!
Your baby is bored of those words, it’s time to introduce some new and exciting words! However you choose to do it, select some words she will find really interesting. If you are flashing word cards, put her name in the middle of the set. Put a sentence saying " kiss mummy" in there or her favourite toy. Try to teach things she is interested in in between the things you want her to know. Even if you need to mix pictures with word cards for a while.
From your post it sounds like she might be getting her phonics sorted out, you could try making some words ( three letter words) in magnetic letters together. Also if you think her phonics is developing then I really like the preschool prep DVDs. Since she is already used to learning from TV this would be a gentle adjustment for you both. Here is the link http://www.preschoolprepco.com/h/i/index.php
It is a supplement though, I still think your money is best spent on Little Reader. But start the program on day 20 as your child already knows the first lot of words.
Good luck, hope we hear more from you hear on the forum. :yes:

Yes I second that aswell, get little reader and start on day 20 or even a bit later. I was just like you and started with YBCR at 3 months and found at around 12 months she needed something new to challenge her, i started on YCCR dvds disk one and it didnt take long for her to adjust to the new pace and words, they are good but disk two seems still too advanced for her right now. So at 12 months I did the free trial of LittleReader and got a feel for it and I’m so glad I got little reader cos its fantastic. I find i have to move quicker on the words that are the same in both products to keep her attention altho the physical words eg “shake, drink, clap” i go the normal pace cos i know she enjoys acting them out. I also now and again show her the YBCR, YCCR DVDs just to mix it up a little bit.

The first list of words I made with little reader was a list of family members, little reader it’s the best and we have only been using it for 3months and her reading is just exploding at the moment.

If for some reason you don’t want to get little reader then try and introduce new words like wardrobe, bed, arm chair, table and stick the word to the object and run around the house with your 18 month old pointing to the objects and the words. It’s a fun game. Make flashcards of those words and ask the child “where is the arm chair, take me to it” things like that.
I hope that helps

Thanks for everyone’s advice! I’m going to try the YCCR this week when I order the CD’s. I’ve been making word cards and taping them all over the house on objects also. I’ll also look into theotherlinks that were posted.

Does anyone know if the LR is compatible with MAC OS? I only use apple CPU in my house.

Thanks again!

Hi Spunkin,

There are many people who use LR with a Mac computer. I can not offer any advice personally since I do not have a Mac computer but here is a link explaining I pulled from the online BrillKid help page


Spunkin- do you have an iphone? There is a free LR app out you can try.

Thanks for your reply’s. We started the YCCR series yesterday. They seem to catch her attention much better then the YBCR series that she bacame bored with!!! So I’ll see what happens in a week or so and will know how many words she is learning thrugh the new DVD’s.

Does anyone have a lot of success with the YCCR series? It seems much faster compared to the YBCR.

I’ve been looking into the LR series as well. I’ve played the samples for her but she seems to get bored with these. She knows all the words in the sample videos and all the words in the LR app on our iPad. I’m assuming that is why she is bored with it? I’m a little leery purchasing the LR series if she is not really showing interest in the sample videos and app that we have.

Hey Spunkin!
I also used YBCR, and found Little Reader late. We did the free trial and I was reluctant to make the purchase because my daughter knew all of the words in the trial as well. The thing is, the 2week trial covers most of the word that have already been taught in YBCR!
That being said, I went ahead and purchased LR, and am SO incredibly glad I did! For one thing, after about day 20, LR begins to show words not in YBCR, as well as an additional pattern phonics portion.
And if you still want to further challenge your LO or tailor it, say with stories about her and her family, or vocab words from a book you read her, it is quite easy to slip in additional slides or create your own files totally.
Also! One of the other fantastic, invaluable parts is that in the downloads section there are an incredible amount of files put together by BrillKids and other moms/dads for their kids. Things like, teaching countries, flags, animals, songs, stories, solar system, plants, cultures, and SO much more. If you can imagine teaching it? It is probably there or partially there.
We are to the point where we do mostly reading with EK on there, or vocabulary files I make for her. For example, I am in the process of putting together files for parts of speech, punctuation, etc.
This is a program that will grow with her!
And I haven’t even touched on the fact that you can use it to teach other languages. At the moment, BrillKids sells Chinese content, but are working on more, and there are files in other languages that other parents have done.
Anyway, I understand your concerns about purchasing another product that seems to have the same words…but LR has thousands more than YBCR, and can continue to grow with your child… We absolutely loved YBCR and are so grateful to Dr. Titzer and the program—IMO, the programs complement each other extremely well…

Spunkin, I was also hesitant but for slightly different reasons.
I already had YBCR my children all enjoyed it when they were young and learnt some words but it wasn’t comprehensive enough.
I am a teacher, i could quite easily teach my children to read with no program. The thing was my son was turning 4 and wasn’t reading, more because I was inconsistent with my efforts than anything else. I needed a daily step by step quick and easy solution. LR to the rescue!
It has so much more content than YBCR and I actually paid more for my YBCR than I did for LR. If I had to do it all again and only spend money on one product it would be LR. ( closely followed by tweedlewink, little musician and softmozart! lol ) LR is by far the best value for money I have spend on EL in all these years.
It contains plenty of words your child hasn’t seen yet as well as stories and cuplets and sentences. The fact that it is so easy to customize means you can use it for years and for multiple languages too. We are in the second half of the first 1 year curriculum my son still enjoys his lessons and I personally think the pattern phonics included in it is wonderful. I could talk all day, but I can say with certainty you will be pleased with it.