15 month old nightmare

I dont know if anyone saw my last post, but i am a Nanny to a 15month old little boy, he is beautiful and a delight to look after, however… i have just been away for 3 days (friday and over my weekend) and i have returend (im a live-in nanny) to find out that the little boy i am lookng after has morphed into the devil!! seriously, anything he cant have results in throwing tanti’s and going through the kitchen cupboards and helping himself to plates and cups etc. last night at dinner he refused to eat so dad got his milk ready and then suddenly after milk Marcus decides he wants to eat again ,but not at the table, nope he was allowed to eat off of the floor. i was shocked and had to walk away as this made me really cross, the parents are just giving in to him…now i am not a mother but i am pretty sure that giving in is like the kiss of death? now today with me he is expecting the same treatment…i was making a packlunch and he wanted the cool pack, and as i would not give it to him he went NUTS… im sure someone has been through this or is going thorugh this, HELP! its making my final few weeks with this lovely little boy a nightmare and i want good memories and to be sad to leave not driving into the sunset without a second thought.

yes, his parents are probably adding fuel to the fire. What he’s going through is a stage that toddlers will go through several times when they are young and again when they get to be teens :ohmy: lol

If he doesn’t want to eat at the table like a good boy, then let him down and tell him that he needs to eat at the table or supper’s done. Leave his food on the table and continue to eat. He will probably want back up after a couple of minutes once he sees that everyone else is still eating. If he doesn’t, don’t sweat it. He won’t starve to death. He’ll start understanding that we eat when we are supposed to or we go hungry. And believe me, he won’t want to go hungry!
Oh, and as far as the cupboards, why don’t they put safety locks on them? It’s also good to let them play with tupperware and pots and pans. He won’t hurt them or get hurt by them. You just may have to to some more dishes.

The way the caregivers respond determines how long the stage lasts and how many more there may be in the future. My son is in one now. He has been acting up a lot lately. Plus, he has screaming fits when things don’t go his way. I normally tell him not to act like that, and if he doesn’t stop, I go put him in his crib and shut the light off and shut the door. I give him some alone time so he can realize that we don’t act ugly like that. After a few minutes, I go in his room and ask if he is going to be nice. It works every time.

he is allowed to play with the tupperwear and his bowls etc but it seems as soon as he gets them all he wants to do is smash the TV or dishwasher with them, maybe ill try him in his playpen with pots and spoons so he can make noise!!!