15 month old child high pitched squeel

Hi, i am currently a nanny for a 15month old boy, He has recently started squeeling really high pitched and it doesn’t seem to be for anything other than attention. I must admit he doesn’t do it as much for me as he does for mum at the weekends, but its still horrible and very quickly headache inducing. we have tried ignoring it, distracting him, saying no and looking away and giving him attention when he is chatting nicely, but nothing seems to be working. please help!!! do you think its because he cannot comunicate verbally?? we are at our wits end!!!

It’s likely because he’s discovered his voice. You say he doesn’t talk yet, so he’s probably realized that he can make a lot of noise, which is good in a way b/c it’s a precursor for talking. Another member mentioned on another thread that you can try whispering whenever he starts squealing. Eventually, he will try to whisper back, and maybe forget about squealing.

I know it’s hard on your ears, but just keep what you’re doing, as far as ignoring it and praising him when he is babbling normally. If he’s not getting any attention from it, he should eventually stop all together.

Thanks! will give the whispering a go!! i did think it was only a phase, its just a really difficult one not to go spare over!!

Have you tried signing with him? It’s a really great and fun way to communicate if he is a little behind with talking. Plus, it may give him the confidence he needs to start talking instead of squealing. You can do a forum search for signing to see all our discussions about it. We all recommend the Signing Time DVDs.

yeah he loves it when i sing, and sometimes its nursery rhymes and other times its show tunes, or things we have heard on sesame street, head shouders knees and toes is one i am favouring at the moment to try to get him used to facial features as he is obsessed with my eyes and my mouth…just made a load of flash cards too, with colours, animals, and body parts to try and sit with him at potty time and go through…think this will all help??

Signing, as in sign language, not singing. But singing is great too! And yes, flash cards are wonderful for learning! You really sound like you are doing a wonderful job. Are you a live-in nanny?

that will teach me for reading too quickly!! i am a live-in nanny yes, more like an aupair i guess…and only for another 5 weeks but i am determined to get him on the way to saying a few more things by the time the new aupair comes along. i havn’t tried signing acutally but will look into it. and if there are some learning things in place by the time i go then at least mum can show the new aupair what we have been doing! thanks for the advise though, its always nice to get someone elses thoughts from time to time!

Where do you live? In the US? Why are you leaving?

im actually in Australia, palm cove near the top of the east coast! i am leaving as i am currently on a world trip and only stopped to gain some money, as i found out, being an aupair is not well paid and well, i have been here 5 months and its time to move on…i wish i didnt have to, i will miss him greatly, but i have things to do before i get back to (the not so sunny) UK, back to university and then probably think about finding a suitable man to build my own family with!!! eventually anyway!! so you have one little girly? any plans for anymore? are you from the US then? are you a full time mummy??

Well, I think a lot of the mom’s on this forum would love to have a nanny or caregiver like you. It is so hard to find anyone who believes in early learning. Your kids will very lucky to have such a devoted mommy.

I actually have a son :happy: I would love to have more, but I am not with his father anymore, so I need to find a suitable man too lol Yes, I am in the US, and I am a full time mom for now.

Well i treat him like i would my own and just believe that learning early is the key to less struggles in the future! for mum, or new nanny, or anyone really… oh gosh there i go again not reading properly… :wacko: must learn to slow down!! sorry to hear your not with dad, is being on your own hard? i know i am glad some days when Marcus’s mum walks through the door, just so then i can parcel him off for 10 mins while i sort dinner or the washing or my room or chill!!!

where abouts in the US are you from?

Yes, of course it’s hard, but I really love being a mom. I live in South Carolina.