13 Month Old has no interest in learning.

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve been back on this Forum, time is very limited now, especially with two young boys (3.5 years old and a 13 month), I find it very difficult to keep them disciplined, I don’t know how some of you do it, but I have so much respect for you especially those parents who have more then 2 child.

I am very desperate for ideas on how to teach my 13 month to be interested in learning to read. At the moment I’m just using Your Baby Can Read, but he doesn’t like to sit still during the program and chooses instead to play and walk around the room while it’s on and he refuses to have anything to do with flashcards. I started the program when he was 3 months old, but as soon as he was more mobile, he would shift around in his chair or try to get out of it.

I used the same program with my older son and had a lot of success with it, but for some reason it’s not creating any interest with my younger son. HELP!

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciate it.

Firstly play YBCR anyway whether he is looking or not he is learning.
If he is a very mobile toddler then i suggest labeling your house. Place labels on everything at his eye level then you can walk around pointing out the words on the go reading them to him. This should be enough to teach him some words AND once he knows a few hiss interest level will rocket and you can introduce flashcards and little reader.
Also try flashcards when he is otherwise bored. When finished lunch in the highchair or in the car seat. He can’t run away then! :laugh: