11-year-old Graduates from LA College

Dear Everyone,



  • Ayesha

This is cool, it was apparently a big news story (although I’m not sure why.) My husband got this story from one of his more, let’s just say “down to earth” forum boards and he was reading over the comments. Ignorance about early education and the differentiated abilities of gifted children abounds. Most people thought that the parents were “rushing” the child and lamenting how he missed out on prom and sports. I was like :wacko: , he hasn’t missed anything he’s 11! And that the child could have stayed in elementary and learned art and PE lol , I have been so inundated with information on early education and learning about gifted education, I just assumed everyone understood these types of outliers, I did not know people were so critical. It’s like they took it personally almost, comparing the little boy to themselves and how everyone thought they were smart in elementary too :huh:

I wish I could have a conversation with his parents and ask them how they did it!!..good job. I like how he speaks about the world and humanity …he is really mature and smart.

Hey In my view the administrator of LR should make and efforst to take an interview of parents of such geneous children so that the same may be dsplayed on the forum of LR and let every body benefits…form same.

It really would be something if you get any information on his childhood.