I think the message in this image is very appropriate to the circumstances.
My favorite Schopenhauer quote:
...the truth, to which only a brief triumph is allotted between the two long periods in which it is condemned as paradoxicalGreat find MrsObedih
My 19 months old son has enjoyed watching YBCR since he was 8 months old. It is heartbreaking to see this happening to Dr Titzer.
tanyahanna, we have just received our order of the YCCR &YCCD Deluxe kit from Amazon yesterday. Even I was afraid I wont be able to get them later and ordered them immediately. We started watching YBCD this morning…dint get much of a reaction from him but I am hoping he’ll start liking them
edmom, can you do me a favour and check if the dvds are multi-region? We’re in the UK. Thanks!
We started watching this a few days ago. He seems to like it.
Hi, sent you a PM
We played it again in the morning and I am glad to report that he is liking it He got up and started dancing to the peas porridge hot & cold song.
And may I also add that I am a big fan of your work and all your contribution to the EL community…especially the reading bear!