A year and a three quarters ago my sister (kiwimum) got YBCR and put her little baby in front of it.
I remember thinking how creepy it was that she was so absorbed in the DVD. But wow, imagine if she could take in just a tiny fraction of what she was watching, that would be amazing!
Then she discovered baby sign.
I spent a lot of time at her house, helping to introduce and remember new signs, reading books to Chloe and putting labels on everything with masking tape. input input input.
I think it was about a year ago that we discovered LR and this amazing forum.
…then we got pregnant
I scour the forum and the EL facebook group links almost daily.
I purchased LR, LM and LMs at 4 months.
Read “how smart is your baby” again at 6 months.
Last week I finally let myself start making black and white infant stimulation cards and some flashcards (action words, common animals, colours, family members)
This week i’ll try and gather together the materials for a crawling track…
I’ve got a box of YBCR material and a bunch of EL-graffitied childrens books coming from my sister.
Two months till he’s due to arrive.
Cant wait to meet him and start our EL journey… I wonder what will happen next!