what about code?

Mela Bala,

Thank you for your contribution. I think those are great for kids on early years of school.


The game was a trial I downloaded from US Playstation Store. It was a Sam & Max game. I liked that one for him because every button works, including the right joystick. It’s a kind of RPG where you can move to every direction on a 3D plan. My son enjoyed making the character move, but anyway, he lost interest and also I was not sure if that was good for him. Now I remember that last month I tried to help him to interact with GT5. The problem now is that he finds the PS button very interesting, and so he keeps pressing this all the time.

We use our PS3 a lot as a DVD player and to watch Netflix.


Give this a try! I think it can work for younger kids who can type on the keyboard. It’s a step by step superheroey way to learn coding.

I am trying to convince the site founder (my brother) to make it even simpler for the younger learners.
Would you be interested?

Yes baz, I’d be interested. My son is today too young to type on keyboard, so a tool for younger would be welcome.

We have a handful of programming and logic apps that we use. Here are some of them:

  1. Move the Turtle- just as it sounds, and gets more complicated as you learn. I think two-year-old EL kids will pick this up very quickly…Alex was three before I found it as I love the other Apps from the designers.

  2. LeapFrog now has a programming Robot app! It is called My Robot Friend and is really quite good. It says for ages 9+, but Alex has had no trouble. This one could easily be done at a very young age with a bit more parental help.

  3. Cato’s Hike- this is a new one for us, so we have only played with it a couple of times. So far we are enjoying it, and I really like that the graphics are more engaging for LOs.

Well, for those following this thread, this page shows a lot of options of software that can be used for exactly what I wanted and described here:


This was shared by Ashly on Facebook Group. Enjoy it!

Will have to look into this

Update: I like Go Animate a LOT more than Xtranormal, now that I’ve found it. We got the 3-month subscription. I can easily put my own pictures in for props and and backgrounds, and they let you mix characters from different themes, unlike Xtranormal. Xtranormal does have better 3D animation, but that’s a mute point to me- I want to make it mine with pictures. If I can get past the learning curve, I’ll be making some educational videos with this.


Here’s a video my kids and I made today- they were so excited to pick out a character and provide voice for it!


Aw, how beautiful Tamsyn!! This video is adorable!

I no personal experience with these, but came across this article today and it made me think of this thread.


Saw a Facebook ad for this 5 minutes ago and hubby bought it on the spot. lol Looks like the best one I’ve seen so far.



Wow! I want it. I am just afraid to look at the price.

That is really incredible. It is in a crowdfunding stage. Good time for early adopters to buy.

More on the awareness of the importance of code

Another option:


Kids book about programming: http://www.helloruby.com/


Hey guys,
I’m Jon, and I’m a creator of Kodable, which is designed to help kids learn programming in a self-guided environment (meaning you don’t need to know any yourself). TeachingMyToddlers started a question & answer thread for me about Kodable and, more importantly, early childhood programming education. So if you have any questions about this kind of stuff, I’d be happy to answer them there :slight_smile:

Hope its ok to mention another thread in this one? Sorry if I’m breaking any forum rules :blink:

Not breaking any rules at all! Thank you for taking the time and we are so happy to have you share your knowledge in our little community. It is very appreciated and encouraging. :slight_smile:



I have been thinking about making some LR files to introduce novel, difficult technical jargon. Even if I don’t include definitions just yet (maybe, maybe not?), introducing the terminology certainly can’t hurt. I found this list, but don’t LOVE it. http://whatis.techtarget.com/glossary/Computing-Fundamentals

You know how Usborne has the series “The First 100 Words in _____________” (spanish, russian, etc). I want something like the “First 100 Words in Computer Science.” Anyone have any brilliant sources to share on the subject? [edited to add: I love it when I answer my own questions without even realizing it. :stuck_out_tongue: Usborne DOES have a book on this and I just bought it for a whopping four dollars. http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Dictionary-Beginners-Usborne-Guides/dp/0746033443/ref=dp_ob_title_bk )

Found these flashcards although they seem a little young for my kiddos (they include shape and color matching games): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1886034753/giggle-chips-abc-computer-science-game-cards

And lastly, a recent article I came across- http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2014/02/17/271151462/a-push-to-boost-computer-science-learning-even-at-an-early-age

Oh wow! Usborne have a book for everything!
Please let us know what the book is like…your $4 gamble lol
Jon it is a great idea to reference other threads so we can all hunt for more information. Especially if your name is on the topic line :wink:
For those interested here is the other thread