The Kumon Method

Yes Kumon method is about time and repetition to help your child master it better use flash cards so they memorize the concepts . Once the basic is achieved it becomes easier for them to achieve.

I looked into a class in my area and found it to be quite expensive, $125 a month for a single meeting per a week. Instead I bought the books ($8 a piece) which I have found to be quite helpful. I know that it is not the same, but I like the slow progression and my son is really solidifying his math and cutting skills.

Haha, we like Beestar as well. My son started the free math last year, and he likes it! He also found his name on the honor roll, beyond other kids. He is now much more confident than before, not only in school, but at home. I would like to register other programs for him, like reading, vocabulary, or science. Do you think whick one would be the best to choose?

We have three Kumon workbooks and learned only recently that they have classes too.

To those who have enrolled kids in the classes: do they do anything there that one can’t do at home with the workbooks?

dear all,

may i know what is the best ‘age’ to start the kid with Kumon method?


My son was able to begin the workbooks at age 2.

Funny article and good introduction to the reality of doing math Kumon:

Ending made me lol, too…

lol lol

Great read! Hilarious!! lol

What about the Kumon method for reading? Has anyone tried this

As per my analysis and reseach Kumon does not have critical math where as E.nopi has both basic thinking math and crtical math.And i have heard that E.nopi has coloful worksheets so that kids enjoys more.Basically E.nopi is interactive and Kumon is particula about the lesson.But still thinking for my son whether Kumon or E.nopi??? Can Parents help me out by shaing thee views…


My nephews are using Kumon maths since they are 3 years old (the oldesdt one is now 9 years old)

They are very good not only in maths but also in concentration and work doing, they do a lot of learning activities because they like to learn. I think that the Kumon Method makes them that they like to learn…

My son 4yo is using Kumon language since he was 2,5 years old. He already knew how to read by the Doman method and recognized all of the letters. But he needed to continue and start writing, and Kumon was good for this. I don´t agree with the method in the structure or timing, since for little kids who are developing their right hemisphere it won´t boost their potential. But we had a very good guide at our center and she gave me the material and total freedom. We would just advance and advance when my son was ready, not necessarilly dominating every worksheet. At first I would time him but for him it meant nothing so I stopped that. I was not interested in his speed, but rather in his development of the language secrets. When we felt it was needed, we would repeat the worksheets again. We worked Mon thru Sun and then I stopped that, because I needed time on weekends for other things. We started working Mon thru Fri and haven´t stopped everesince. We are in level B2 in Spanish, learning grammatic rules. He is doing the worksheets on his own and writing on his own since a long time now. In Kumon worksheets he prints and in other languages which I make the workbooks he writes in cursive. All in all Kumon gave me a solid base to develop my child´s language, learn new words, etc.
Any questions just ask.

So you mean to say Kumon is good overall.And it’s also good for the parent and kid both who are into early child education like Doman method,right bain edu,Shichida etc???


What I mean is that when you have clear what brain development is about in early development (e.g. keep advancing, don´t expect output or at least linear output, expose them to higher level engaging, etc) you can adapt any method (or nearly any). For instance, I started with Kumon because I needed an organization in relation to the exposure to writing. I thought about Kumon for a month and lastly decided that it was easier for me to fix or not do what I thought was not right, that to come up with a whole new program from scratch. I have the kumon math worksheets as well and I think that the first two to four booklets are OK but from then on it is a good complimet to instant math and montessori manipulatives, if you are clear (as a mom, not as an educational method) of what you are looking for, you can adapt any method, including Kumon.
Yes, Sapna, Kumon was positive for us, because of the way we approached it.


My boss’s son is currently in 5th grade and has been doing Kumon for a few years now. However, his mother has been thinking about swtiching him into the beestar program. He is a very intelligent boy and she wants to make sure that if and when she does make the switch from Kumon to Beestar, that he picks up right where he left off. How does Beestar determine a child’s level in a particular subject? Are the worksheets individualized according that student’s knowledge on the subject. I would greatly appreciate a response and if there is a number I can call, I would really appreciate that as well. Thank you for your time!

Those pretty positive reviews overall, thanks!

I recommend English Language Art program. DD enjoys it and her reading ability improves a lot. The reading exercises are full of vivid pictures and interesting stories, really cool.

I looked into this the last time someone mentioned it because I wanted to go as a kid!

Anyway, don’t know how advanced your kids are but my plan is to buy all the books I can off Amazon first (I checked and they are on amazon uk and amazon in the US).

Depends how much money you have of course, but I understand that Kumon can go on for ten years or more and I don’t have £50 per month so I’m going to do all I can at home then send him as late as possible!

All the best,

The only thing is that the workbooks you can buy in the stores are different than the ones offered in the center. We are considering this route too, I took DD in this week and she liked going there, it just seems kind of slow (the progression that is), but I realize it’s an important part of their approach . I called over find out more info for when she turns 3, but they told me to go ahead and come in and see how she did. I’s an expensive program when you realize that all you’re paying for in a sense is special worksheets and a “no cracks in the foundation” philosophy, but I have heard so many good things. We’ll see what we end up doing.

We love using for our 5 and 7 year olds. You see with this program the child can keep on moving up in both math and reading and not be held back. I still supplement the basics with time and accuracy with the kumon method. I can not say enough good things about mindsprinting and it saves us a ton :slight_smile: You get not just addition, subtraction, etc, you get a wide range of topics… At the moment my son is working on fractions, algebra, pos/neg numbers, long division and such. I like that he can move at his OWN pace and if he needs extra practice in some areas he gets it…

Susan Khan