I had to laugh at the title of this topic. If this were swordplay, I would be the guy backing up and parrying but not attacking, only defending. (I am glad it is not, her tongue is sharp enough!) I have never wanted a “duel” but certainly didn’t want to lay down and die either! Luckily this is all just words and opinions, no matter how strong, so no harm done.
I understand people would like an “objective” review, pros and cons of these two products, but I have a few issues or concerns with that approach.
A) I hate competition in music. I really believe in collaboration, cooperation and complementing teamwork. I also believe that no one solution is right for everyone.
B) “Objective” is actually subjective in its grading and weighting criteria. One example we had early on is “academic credentials” vs “customer testimonials”, where I felt that the testimonial of a “profoundly retarded” (her words) boy’s mother were amazing proof of our game’s effectiveness, while Hellene cited white papers and studies. Which is worth “more”? That is one example of how false equivalencies or disparities can be reviewed, weighted, etc. In the end, people will either agree with the review, agree with its conclusions AND assumptions (what is most relevant/important) or not, It will STILL be a gut decision by the reader, just with one more piece of “evidence” that will be nothing but one more point of view. That person may be a great reviewer, or a superficial one, they may be fair or biased, we don’t know until we see the review, and I BET someone disagrees with their conclusions anyway!
C) I actually think that the forum members can’t really go wrong here with either choice, they will be far better than traditional lessons by themselves, and if used in conjunction with traditional lessons, they will be even more powerful, assuming an open minded piano teacher embracing and enhancing the value of either program.
D) On a practical issue, is time. Most people looking at this seriously rather than for the drama, are actually trying to make a Christmas buying decision, as educated a one as they can, many overseas, and needing to make a decision soon to make sure they get the products in time, and in our case before keyboards run out. So there is really no time now to do parallel in depth reviews with multiple children as guinea pigs (every parent will want their child’s demographic in the study . . ) at least not before Christmas in time for shipping.
As I said above, they should reduce their anxiety levels a bit, I think either program will be a plus to their efforts, a positive step in a life long journey to music literacy. I do NOT think either program will hurt in any way. Since I believe a so called “objective” review will be a far more subjective review in reality than people think, and merely one more data point in a sea of data points, I suggest people really go with their gut. Weigh it out with your own research, read all the posts you can, or want to, watch all the videos you can or want to, and make a bet on what feels right to you. I do not know Hellene’s return policy, but you cannot lose with ours, either it works or we buy it back from you. I assume she stands behind hers as well, so your real risk is time, starting down a path that doesn’t work out for you, but you can still make an educated decision then and return the product if it doesn’t. Neither product will work optimally if you just put it under your pillow while you sleep, the more actively involved sharing the programs with your children the better, surprise surprise, this is true with reading, writing, arithmetic, sports, you name it. We just try and empower you to do the same with music in a way that was not possible before.
If either program works for you, and you are getting great results, don’t second guess yourself and think “but maybe the other program would have been better” just be overjoyed you and your family added music to your world and give it your all. The reality is there is tremendous overlap in our approaches, and that overlap is the strongest parts of our programs, so with either program I believe you will still get the “meat”. It may have different sauces, vegetables, spices, etc., but you will likely be well fed either way. It is a false “either/or”. (By the way, sorry for the “meat” analogy for you fellow vegetarians, but you get the idea!).
Finally, did I mention I really hate this competitive approach anyway? Don’t look for me to be thrusting back at Hellene anytime soon, she is not and never will be my “enemy”. I do feel I have to defend and clarify what we have, in full authenticity and integrity, since warts and all I fully believe it is a great contribution and choice, but vanquishing Hellene or “winning” a review would only make me sad.
You really can’t go too far wrong either way. The worst choice is no music, and I hope whatever your solution, mine, hers, Suzuki, traditional, whatever, that you find a way to bring it home and make it work for you and yours.
So with that I humbly suggest there is more than enough information out there, make your own educated decisions based on what resonates with you best, what makes sense to you, and good luck and God bless.