Teaching YOGA!

I’ve been into yoga practice for the last 8 yrs. and my flexibility is ‘good’ -I can say. However post-pregnancy, I’ve not been able to be regular.

My husband makes it a point not to miss his daily dose of 1-hr practice.
The other day when he started his sun-salutes followed by headstand, my 6-month old son wore a puzzled look on his face. Although it may be a little premature to predict, we hope(and quite sure :slight_smile: ) he too will be greatly interested in yoga.

As for the age to begin with, to initiate any serious practice, I believe an age of 5/6 would be good. Because for a regular and serious practice, there are some restrictions on how and when one can begin - like time of the day, meal-times…etc. Too young also may not suit here.

thanks for shairing!

That’s so neat that your husband does yoga! :slight_smile:

The other night my 17 m o bub was with us in the loungeroom while we were watching a current affairs program. There was a segment about an 85 year old lady teaching yoga. Later on I saw bub doing downward dog and then stick one leg up in the air. It suddenly occurred to me she was imitating the lady tryng to get into the head stand position. So I said “are you doing yoga?” She pops back up, yells out “YOGA!” and does the position again!

Wow! yoga for babies!!!

I do once a week yoga with my 14 months old baby,we have a japanese intructor…it is been fun, and Catalina is doing great…the music helps her to relax…it is so cool!! We feel like we became closer!!

ohh by the way…you can get a book"baby yoga" I read it ,it is wonderful, it teaches you the poses you can do with your baby on differents age.it has pictures and it is easy to understand, I finished to read the book in les than 3 days!!

Here are some pics of Felicity in a yoga class earlier this year! :slight_smile:




Anyone else with pics to share?

i got this book on a whim recently. i was athletic but not well coordinated so i’m hoping to help my wee (who is known to run into walls… hee hee… ooo) get a head start. it has maybe about 5 poses in all but she begs for it every day and i keep it out on the coffee table so she can go through it any time she wants. and she too likes to yell ‘yoga’ (which sounds like yogurt) at the top of her lungs. there is no flow to it but its a good way to get them interested.

we’ll get more serious in a little while but for now the illustrations are cute and she seems to relate.


She is so cute, KL, and she does the poses so well!

Ohhh How cute!!! I love the pcitures of Felicity!! She looks like she is having lots of fun…thats good… :biggrin:

KL i loved the pic of Felicity :slight_smile: They poses look easy enough for kids and fun too!

Heh, thanks everyone! glad you like the pics! :slight_smile:

My husband recently brought home the Wii Fit. My older kids love video games and this is a nice way to get them moving. They really like it! There’s a yoga section that covers several poses (I don’t know the names) I’ll attach a few pics of my 5yr old doing the yoga.

Aww, she’s cute too.

I agree, she’s adorable :slight_smile:

I can’t wait for my son to get a little older, I always wanted to do yoga, it’s going to be sooo much fun :yes:

Thanks a lot for sharing, actually given a chance I would like to enjoy the yoga class with my gal… I did try yoga several years ago and it is really a good and relax activity, helping us to lower the pressure, I guess that may help a better bonding with our child too. lol

Great “tree pose” pic!! Thanks for sharing those cute photos!

Actually, we have the Wii Fit too, but it’s just been collecting dust! Got to get it back out again soon!

Dear Friends,

I and my daughter do this yoga meditation almost everyday and if you are interested you can find a center in your locality and learn. Its absolutely free of cost. The site is www.sahajayoga.org. There will worldwide locations you can just click on your location and find the address in your area.


KL and sb1201,
Your girls are adorable!
I have a question to everyone, though
Why yoga?
What about gymnastics class (they start at 5y.o.or some even earlier, I have “Mommy and Me” video tape for baby gymnastics)
Callenetics? (sorry if misspelled) Pilates?
Aerobics? (My oldest goes to aerobics classes and balance as well as stretches are a big part of every training)
There are more I could add…
In Eastern cultures I could see why, other than that and a new fad in the West…
What do you say?