Teachers that can't spell

I have worked in a school system for many years and yes there are some teachers who I would never let my child in his/her class for some reason or another but we are all human and to be honest some teachers do not write their own webpage. They have assistance or student workers who may not care about the appearance of the page.
But if I was for example native to Spanish and was sending my child to an English speaking school then yes i would be concerned about those things. When I was a child that wasn’t important at that time and now it is more important for my child to be taught better then I was. So I am homeschooling with assistance in the areas that i am lacking in.

I’ve mentioned before in other threads that spelling errors are typos… if I was writing with pen and paper it would be different. I have a comp that for some reason the cursor jumps around (I’m sure it’s a hacker… note apostrophe in correct spot) and I’ll be typing in the middle of what I’ve already typed instead of continuing from the end, so just trying to go back and relocate the misplaced part of sentences takes a while and gets very confusing. But I have been getting a habit of putting apostrophes infront of esses when I shouldnt or shouldn’t. And not when I should. And sometimes it’s confusing if the apostrophe goes before or after the s. I’m referring to more than one teacher, so if there was to be an apostrophe it would be after… And it probably grammatically should have been… teachers whom can’t spell.

I agree on alot and definately… I reckon I stuff them up… but for the record, I dont think that apostrophe in Teacher’s is mine!!! Because when I reply, it comes up correctly in the subject line. And in the blue writing above that it is also spelled (I think that’s spelled, not spelt!) correctly. So I Disown responsibility for the apostrophe catastrophe. So press the reply button, and you’ll see what I mean.

nhockaday, did you could correct it? Now I cant find any evidence of it at all…

Ha Ha, I feel a bit better now… it WASNT (WASN’T) me!!! If you go to the absolute start of the thread, it is correct. And my first post, it is correct!! Then the next person, it changes… and then stays changed for a few posts, then reverts to correct again… and so…it must be Brillkids fault, as anyone replying would’ve just pressed reply, and it’s already in the topic box… the replier doesn’t type it in… Maybe someone’s playing an april fool’s joke?? And to think I thought I was losing my marbles!

It was wrong the first time I saw the thread. Believe me, I immediately noticed it. It said teacher’s that cant spell all along. I don’t know who changed it, but it wasn’t me, and it still isn’t right. It should be teachers WHO can’t spell.

Anyways, it is not my business to correct other adult’s grammar. I notice errors, and I make some of my own (especially when I am on here at 2AM, or I have a squirming toddler on my lap), but I am not going to embarrass people by pointing out their errors. Some people were not taught correctly, or chose not to learn the correct way. Some people do not use English as their first language.

I am blessed to have a mother who speaks very well, and I learned how to speak and write properly from her. You are your child’s best teacher. Children learn language and the rules of language from you first. If you speak and write correctly, your child will likely do the same.

Teachers do need to know how to spell and be grammatically correct. As we all know, kids sometimes pick up on things the first time they see or hear them. If a teacher has misspelled, or constantly misspells or mispronounces a word, a child will think that is the acceptable way, and it may be very hard to un-learn later.

Teachers must have at least 4 years of college in America to be a teacher. The first 2 years of college includes several English classes, in which they are constantly writing papers and brushing up on what they might not know. A teacher who has not done well in college-level English should not be able to teach.

By the time a child is writing papers in school, he/she should have an English teacher who specializes in English. These English teachers have to know what they are teaching and what they are grading. If you, the parent, think you have a good knowledge of grammar, then you need to proof-read your child’s papers before they even turn them in to be graded. Explain what errors you find, and teach your child how to correctly re-write them. If you notice errors that a teacher has missed after grading, then sit down with the principal of the school and explain the situation. Ask if your child can be moved to another teacher’s class. Most school administrators frown upon teachers that are not doing their job correctly, especially when they have heard the same complaint more than once.

Thanks DadDude

Will remember when it’s time.

I do like the idea of home schooling but not sure it’s possible with 2 of us working full time. Not to mention we will have to learn ourselves heaps of things before being able to teach our child. But hey life is full of balancing and compromising right? Nothing is perfect and perfection does not always mean happiness.

For the forum typing I don’t think we should be stressed about being 100% correct in grammar and spelling. Like nhockaday mentioned, there could be so many reasons for typing mistakes here. :yes: