Surprising progress in math

It is interesting to see how well your son is doing and hear what you have used - sounds like he is doing very well.

My DD is 2 years 7 months now and she can count past 20. She is also coming up with numbers like 30 and 40 by herself in various contexts (Mummy will come and fetch me in 40 minutes) I used to show her the numbers of the houses we passed when walking - numbers greater than 10 I initially showed as 2 separate numbers (32 would be 3 and 2) but have recently started getting her to read the two numbers (eg 2 and 5 makes twenty five) and she is getting it. I would love a 100 chart though as have been meaning to start that with her for a while.

We count anything and everything - beads, buttons, sweets, knives and forks (which leads to basic maths - there are 3 people, we need 3 forks and 3 knives, how many altogether)

I started using “I can add upside down” - Dr Seuss with her and after a few pages (she cannot write - I write for her) she is starting to work out basic addition problems herself - she does use her fingers to count sometimes and do addition. I have introduced subtraction but she is not quite getting that yet except with the very smallest numbers.

I would like to start either Singapore Math with her or Math-U-See as she does seem to learn best with manipualtives. She will not be writing for a long time still so I need something she can do physically. She is even battling to circle things well on a form so I am staying away from worksheets for now. I am also looking into Horizons Math and Saxon Math - so many choices, but I won’t start any of that til she older than 3.

This is where I’m not good… once we’re over 10, I can’t be bothered… do you count quickly, would your son be patient enough to listen/participate if you count over 20, 30… Today I presented her with little cards numbered from 0 to 10 and started showing her how to count and put the corresponding numbers of objects but she wasn’t interested. She may be too young? (21m) Other than LM and counting here and there, I’m lost for ideas…

Instead of actually counting up to 30, you could say “Look - here are 3 sets of 10! That makes 30!”. I’m just starting to do more of this now. Just a suggestion!

This is a great idea!!! I’ve been wanting to get my son to do higher rote counting. A friend of mine lent me a 100s chart book.(Which I have to get back to her sorry kizudo) I’ll give it a shot tomorrow!!!