Singaporeans & Malaysians!

hi Watie and qisdhi mom,

Thanks to you both for making me feeling warm here :wink: . I 'd spent more than an hour to reply you last night, somehow it didn’t appear in this forum?! :frowning: I dunno know y and wondering is there any draft box which i can’t trace it back and repost it???

Annother thing i dont feel good is that, in 1 week time, they only have 4 days of classes - Thursday until Sunday. Monday & Sunday close, Wednesday is only for Admin job. No wonder ...the queue to join the class is so so very long!! :confused: If they open 7 days a week like Gymboree, i guess many parents can join the SM.

Btw, my personal opinion - its too expensive. I might as well teach my dotter at home myself using GOGO Education Set. Lr & LM, once a week bring her to her social class - Gymboree to have fun with friends,…hehehe

it’s my 2 cents opinion anyway … unless if the rate is cheaper, i might change my mind …hehehe


hi may i know wht is gogo n gymboree…?n also SM…quite blurr over here

Dear Liz79,

SM stands for Shichida Method, a right brain enrichment program.


Im Malaysian. Where to get right brain materials in Singapore? I’m going there for 4 days and hoping to search some materials for my homeschooling. Thank u in advance!

Hi VictoriaC,

Where can i get Time Life Total Development Program locally (Malaysia) ? Or do i need to buy it online?

[quote author=VictoriaC link=topic=896.msg34280#msg34280 date=1244801427]

Btw, i’ve just started my twins with Time Life Total Development Program which consists of books that teaches values, science, skills, language etc. The knowledge set comes with a talking pen as well and my twins absolutely love reading sessions with me. in fact they ask for books, books, each night before i put them to bed. if anyone of u are interested to find out more, check out or send me a PM for details.

Hi Victoria,

I am interested in getting the time life total development program. Could you please give me more info on this? Did you get all categories of books? Heard that the Math program is good. How old were your kids when you first started showing time life books?

Have you also heard of other encyclopaedia books like:

  • world book: big and small. Early world of learning
    -How i feel: silly, scared etc

They are highly reconmended by alot of malaysias parents. Just wonder where to het those distributors’ contacts.

Thanks for all the info you have given.

Can someone who have utilized the total development program provide a feedback/review on it, the price, etc.


I am a Malaysian staying in Johor Bahru. I have enrolled my 2.5 years old girl to Right Brilliance class in Singapore. It is similar to SM, except that you don’t have to que for the long waiting list and the fees is more reasonable. The class will only be starting next month. The teacher that my girl will be engaged to was from Schichida, one of the senior teachers. Will post more info after attending the class if any of you is interested.

Happened to read this thread only now. We have a 25month-old. We used YBCR, and also the Wink-to-learn DVDs, so he could read both Chinese & English from 10mths’ old. It’s amazing! He speaks in fairly good sentences in both English & Chinese now too.

We live in Singapore.

hi everyone im a malaysian now staying at doha…will be going to malaysia on november…can anyone plz advice me wer can i get SM or other projects in kl…i mean which area in kl…my daughter 7 months old…thank u