Signing with your child

Hello Everyone!

I have heard about most of the signing dvd’s and books mentioned, but the only one my son will give the time of day is Say It With A Sign Vol 1,2,and 3. No matter what he is doing if he hears it come on he stops whatever he is doing to come and watch. I called the company to see if there would be more, but unfortunately these are the only three. There are a total of 150 signs that are taught on the DVD’s altogether and the thing that I like most is the repetition (each word is signed and spoken 6 times). These have been great for him, but I do think as he gets older (he is 10 months now) I will have to try something new. For more information you can go to:

Hi everybody

For anyone starting out with baby signing, check out the new Signing article on BrillBaby!

It covers the history of baby signing, tips on getting started, plus scientific research into the benefits of signing with hearing babies.

I’m a big fan of baby signing myself, and my 12-month-old daughter uses nearly 30 signs (see my blog for details). If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. :slight_smile:

Happy signing, everyone!


rafikipaka-- can you do a signing category for colors?

Definately!! It might take me about a week just because we’re working on our house this week (we’ll be listing it soon) so it might take me slightly longer than my last set - but that’ll be the next ones I do! Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks, that will be awesome!


Found your thread.

BTW, which is the item that you bought ? I mean which package?



I bought the set of flash cards

They are great for learning the signs, and when your baby gets older, you can use them like regular flash cards.

Many people recommend the videos, Baby Signing Time. I have them, but I don’t really want Gabriel watching any more videos.


Then, how your sign to Gabriel if you are showing him the DVD? By signing hand and showing him the flash cards? Or how? So far how is he reacting? Can he signs you back?

I do not show the DVD. I learn the signs from the flash cards. When I say a word, I sign it from memory or pull the flash cards out to learn it. Gabriel knows what many of the signs mean, but he does not sign back, except for “milk” sometimes.


Hi, thanks for sharing. That means, by using that flash card is good enough without the DVD, right? That is good, it will save me a lot from spending in the DVD! haha


No, it is my preference not to show the DVD because he is already watching YBCR twice a day and Tweedlewink. I don’t want him watching another DVD.

Many people, such as our editor, Maddy, use the DVDs, and they seems to work wonders. They are very good and captivating for babies. If Gabriel had been watching them this whole time, he may be signing back by now. If you don’t mind your baby watching another DVD, then I suggest you buy the 2 baby signing time DVDs, instead of the flash cards I recommended. Many of the same basic words should be covered on the DVDs, so you can learn them from watching the DVDs with your baby. You will probably spend the same amount of money buying the 2 DVDs as you would buying the set of flash cards.

BTW, check out Maddy’s blog


You mean that first & second DVD

Is this the one?


Yes. If you look around, like ebay and Amazon, you may be able to find them cheaper.


That 2 DVDs is good enough, right?

Ok, thanks, will look around the ebay & amazon.


I know this thread is kind of old but I wanted to say that I have started using the Baby Signing Time videos and they are great! My daughter loves them. We checked them out from the library, along with other signing videos, so we could try the different kinds and see how it went. My daughter paid some attention to the other videos, but the Baby Signing Time ones are the BEST- she really focuses on them and definitely learns new signs from them too. I always sit with her and explain the things on the TV, then ask her to copy. She does. Today she was even watching them do the sign and then looking down at her own hands and changing the way she did a few of them, making them more accurate than before- all on her own. Wow! Aren’t kids amazing!?

Isn’t it amazing how quickly children can learn! And all we have to do is expose them to it–that’s the extent of our “job” - they just do everything else :slight_smile:

rafikipaka - I just wanted to say thanks & karma to you for the signing files. As soon as my dd sees you on the screen ( even before you show the sign) she puts her hands up to try & make the sign. They are really helping her!

Thanks again, & I would love to see more!

Here is a great signing site