Sign of Great Memory & Proof of Learning

Nadia, Shaman,
it is really great result, you did fantastic work I sure.
My baby is 5 mos now and I only try to plan our learning programm, pls share your experience from what age did you start each of Reading, Maths, EK?
Thanks in advance!!!

Hi, Katarinka,
My baby is about to turn 5 months in 2 days. We started GD Math at 3.5 months ( we had a few breaks), Started reading with Little Reader at 4.5 months. We do some music, as well as listening and talking on 3 different languages. We did not start EK just yet, I think we will do it at least in a month if not later. Just wanted to make sure that we are on course with reading and math first. And just want to take it a step at a time… Hope it helps

many thanks, very valuable post. I think you are in line with GD (he also recommend start with reading). But WOW 3.5 mos. Did you already test your little baby? My daughter is 3 days younger than your but she can’t show me different objects when I ask her :unsure:

No, have not tested her. Just taking it by faith that she is learning :slight_smile: She likes it and we taking it as a game and fun activity, so that what counts. And I just trust that later, she will show what she have learned. I think it is way too early to expect her to “perform” so to speak. So I will wait with testing :slight_smile:

Skylark, you also wrote that baby is learning 3 languages(which do baby prefer? :wink: )… Who help you with it or you do it? I heard the best option is to theach foreign language with help of third parties (natural speakers)/. What do you think about it?

These are Russian, English and Chinese. Both my husband and I speak English ( my husband is native speaker), I speak Russian ( native speaker) and my husband grew up in China, so he speaks Chinese( however he speaks Cantonese better then Mandarin).

We use songs, dramas, poems in Chinese and Russian to give her some feel of the languages. Later, when she is bigger, we will try to arrange some opportunities for play dates with the native speakers as well, hopefully. We will be back in Taiwan very soon, so that would be easy. With Russian will be a bit more difficult, but I am trying to speak only Russian to her some parts of the day/week.

It is work in progress of course, and comes with trying and discovering what works and what does not. We also want her to learn Portugese, My husband speaks it fluently, but we have not started it. Do not know when and how we will.

I think having music and audio stories that she is listening to every day in those languages really helps. I usually divide between Russian being in one part of the day ( lets say morning) and Chinese another ( lets say afternoon), when my husband is not Home ( and I do not speak Mandarin), I speak to her in English, but have her activity songs and kids stories/dramas in Chinese, cheering her up with the few words that I know :smiley:

So these are just some of the things we do :slight_smile:

There are some nice posts here on the forums from others, who have more experiences then I. I will definetly recommend to read those. That what gave me faith to try and some practical ideas. I am just a beginner, I might say.

Nice to have you here! And it is nice to know that your baby is about the same age. Will be fun to exchange ideas and progress :slight_smile:

Skylark , your pretty baby is lucky :yes:
It has so intelligent and полиглоты parents!!! Moreover, it is the most resultive step to give knowleges in 3 absolutly unlike language groups
Opposite your family, my husband and I are native Russian speakers, due to work in Mars company I had to know English as well as I can (upper intermediate level). So for me it is a challenge to learn my little Sophiya some different languages. I hope to visit London for a few months later.
Skylark, thanks, lets contact further, русские мамы с ровесниками-детишками

Dear Questers, Nadia and Katarinka: Thank you. I am glad I could share my excitement with all of you. :slight_smile:

Katarinka: I started teaching my baby ‘reading’ with paper flash cards since he was 5 and a half months. We tried this for 2 weeks but it did not work- I started off by doing 5 sets 3 times a day, as suggested by Doman, but that was too much to do realistically, so I started doing just 2 sets. My baby did not show any interest in the cards at all and often looked away. I started the Doman math cards and he loved it. So I concentrated on math. Then I bought the LR for reading and EK and he loves it! Now, we do LR twice a day and 5 math cards 3 times a day. I think it is better to be consistent with a few things rather than do many things and be inconsistent.

Other than that, I play classical music for my son, read to him and talk to him in my native language. I plan to make a few paper cards based on the LR curriculum for reading because I think we need to work on that a little more. I had done some prenatal stimulation, and I have continued some of those activities.

I have also recently found a friend (through the forum) that lives in my city- We hope to help each other in our efforts towards teaching our children. :slight_smile:

BTW, Katarinka, I heard about some ‘muzzy’ tapes- don’t know much about them, but apparently they are used to teach children different languages and I have heard some good reviews. Check them out.

Hope that helps.

Good luck to you. You are obviously putting in a lot of effort and I am sure you’ll do great.


First of all, congratulations on all your achivements! It s great to see how organized you have been ( I wish I was that organized :frowning: ). Anyways, I was looking at your blog and have a couple of questions:

  1. Your baby stand up when she was 2 months old. Did you use a crawling track or just tummy time?
  2. How did you measure how many feet your baby had crawled? Was the beginning of the measuring tape at her hands, knees of feet? (I know, weird questions, but I want to start tracking down how many feet my daughter is creeping)

Thanks for your help!

Hi Joha! Thanks! Your questions are not weird at all! I would have measured her crawling distance but we decided not to. We would not want to be obssessed with numbers. I know in some instances (esp those who have a program to treat brain-injury etc), the distance SHOULD be measured. In our case, we made sure she has plenty of tummy time since day 1…

Yes since 2mos old (earlier even), she can stand while holding on to something. Personally, I feel that it has something to do with me drinking lots of milk (calcium) during pregnancy).

As a result of her physical activities, her muscle tone is really well developed. Her muscles and ligaments are really flexible. When we do brachiating (hanging), she rarely has her arms straight…she is supporting her whole weight (8kilos) by her upper arms! My in-laws are so worried she would have fractures but she never has.

Don’t worry too much on the distance but if you must, you could of course measure it (great exercise! I tried it once!) lol!

Regards to your daughter & happy teaching!

Hi Katarinka! What a unique & beautiful name! What does is mean?

I started Stimulation Flashcards with Cameron since day1. Up to 2mos. I would print and draw them myself using black & red pens. At 2 1/2 mos, I started to show flashcards (Doman style). She focuses and smiles at them! Not long after, the math dots which became her favorite. Alongside with math, I’m using the Doman Picture Dictionary CDRom for EK. To supplement, I also printed pictures with corresponding names at the back.

The key is to start early. The stimulation cards prepared her for the words. She readily focuses and does not look away!
To this day, I feel so blessed that she still gives the same intense concentration when I show her her lessons. True, nowadays she is more interested with climbing & crawling but she’s not taking her eyes off the lessons even when she’s climbing the computer table. I really feel that the stimulation flashcards helped a lot - it has trained her eye to focus well.


Dear Nadia, Shaman and Skylark,
I see you are excellent moms, your advices help me a lot. So my mess in the haed (too much information and contra - versions) transformed in the individual learning programm for my baby.

I decided to start with Math , it seems less difficult (for me of course :wink: , I’m sure in my Sophiya). I’ll start just at age 5 mos (in 2 days) and I believe she will love it like Shaman’s son :slight_smile: . Next exercise will be in 1.5 mos with Reading and 10 mos will bring us EK. I’ll also try English with EL. So what are your opnions about it? Oh, I know, I know, your answers are … LET’S START, Don’t talking, present your daughter happiness of development. You will be right :yes: .

Now I’m reading poetry to daughter, we are doing Doman’s gymnastic, 3 times a week visit swimming-pool(start swimming from 1.5 mos).Also as I play piano quite well , we are having some music classes, she is already intrested in Mozart and Betkhoven.

For Nadia: my name is Ekaterina (mean Clear from Greece), Katarinka - called me my Grandma with love :wub:

Mmm, girls, I’m so happy I’m not lonely with my aspirations. Thanks!!!

My 19 month old daughter likes to remember things in sequence. She has learnt English Alphabet,days of the week, months of the year and sometimes even remembers the sequence in which I show her the colors, animals etc in a video or slideshow.
Can anyone suggest what all things I can teach her that has a sequence…because that’s what interests her more.

I am trying to teach words through slideshows but then again she remembers the sequence and says them before I even show her the word…without reading( which is a bit of a problem). So I have to shuffle through my slideshows daily.
Flashcards are not working as she wants to play with them more than reading.

Can anyone suggest a better method please?

Hi Deba! Wow, your baby has a unique taste! I’ve read that babies love unpredictability that’s why Doman suggest to shuffle cards regularly. Babies do have such different preferences don’t they? That’s why we are adapting our teaching methods to them - and not making them adapt to the method.

What I can suggest is for your to introduce a completely new song that contains a combination of new and old words. In this way, she would learn that ‘Monday’ or ‘January’ or ‘Red’ can also be part of different situations. Once played repeatedly, this new song can be her ‘new sequence’. You could sing the song to the tune of her favorite nursery rhyme so it’ll be easier for you to compose (you just replace the words).

Incorporating music, esp familiar music is a great way to add interest to your lessons. I’m sure your daughter will love it! Hope I could help. Happy teaching!

As much as I avoid testing Cammie, I could not always keep reign on my husband’s will. While I was sleeping, she tested her again. I was about to reprimand him but I quickly forgot my contrariness once I watched the video. She is sooo cute!

At the 3rd question, Cammie has her hands full of her toys so she just smiled at the right answer.

Donald: “Cammie, can you tell me which one is the elephant?”
Cam: (looked at the cards and gave a smile at the elephant)
Donald: “Where’s the elephant?” “Elephant”
Cam: (looked back and forth at the two cards and smiled at the right answer)
Donald: “Elephant?”
Cam: (looked back & forth again as if she’s confused why Donald didn’t get her. "I SMILED at the elephant Daddy - like this! smiles)
Donald: “Oh you’re tired na?”
Cam: (lost interest…Daddy just didn’t get how she answered)

Donald grabbed her toys away and changed the set of cards and Cammie resumed to answer by touching the cards.