Screaming 9 month old - Help!

I’m glad your DD is feeling better. My son likes corn on the cob when he is teething, he isn’t into cold things.

Young children don’t understand “no”. My DD is almost 2 and when I tell her “no XYZ” or “don’t XYZ” she repeats “XYZ” back to me and keeps doing what she is doing. lol It works better to tell them what to do rather than what not to do, and even better yet to model the appropriate behavior. I try to eliminate saying “no” as a goal. Of course I still say it (a lot), but every time I do I try to think of how I could have communicated the same thing without saying “no.” One of my favorite substitutes for “no” is “danger,” it communicates so much more information. Or instead of saying “no hitting” say “we use gentle hands" then show them how. Also childproofing is an ongoing process but it really helps set up a yes environment. This will help your daughter explore her world safely and nurture a curious mind.

Trinity papa - I know this thread is old. But your behavior is absolutely disgusting. How dare you slap a child. If I were to ever see this myself, I would turn you in to child protective services.

I acknowledge that this is an old thread too but I feel the need to publicly agree with mommytoautumn.

Early Learning to me is an appreciation of an infants personhood.
Realising how much they are capable of and how early and thoroughly they absorb what we do. They are amazing!

I cant reconcile this with the idea of controlling a child with threatening behaviour.

Admittedly, I’m not a parent yet so i haven’t experienced the frustrations first hand but i’d like to think that assault wont be in my bag of tricks.
My sister successfully used sign with her daughter to head off many of the tantrums she was expecting.

I’ve been reading a lot about how foods can affect children’s behavior. Many parents report a much calmer child after adding more supportive foods to their diets. You might want to check out the forum at bedrock dot com - I’ve found them quite helpful! Good luck!