Santa Spoiler

I’m not trying to tell anyone how to raise their kids and I dont really mean to insult anyone, but how many Christians do you know who would take kindly to the insinuation that Mother Goose and the Holy Bible on the same level of importance? Or even Aesops Fables = Holy Bible.

Why not, they both teach moral lessons, set examples, describe what is good and what is bad, they both bear proverbial wisdom, their both timeless and teach morals. Many children love those old stories, many people live by those lessons.

Why not? Because they aren’t equal in meaning to those of us who are spiritual/religious. I’m sorry, I really am.

My point was that comparing Santa to God (any cultures idea God/gods or goddesses) is extremely weak.

I’m not as intolerant of the Santa thing as I may be coming off as on this board. I’m simply telling the truth (in my original posts) that I will teach my children the truth AND that if anyone bothers them about it, the way that I was bothered, they have the option of Outing the whole silly ruse if they want to.
I’m not some Christmas/Christian/Santa Clause hating bigot. Trust me, I never ruined Santa for anyone, even growing up and I promise you I had a strong desire too (not always to be mean, but I was often the baby of the group and I found it ludicrous that my older cousins and neighbors treated me like I was an inferior when they were “the gullible” or “childish” one.) but I never did because I DO have respect and consideration for other peoples beliefs and how they want to raise their children, however I want my children to have the option of defending themselves intelligently and truthfully if they are ever pushed.

Also, just because I’m a “non-parent” doesn’t mean I have no experience with children. I have 13 years experience watching and caring for children and have even experienced the death of a child I was very close to and had potty trained and loved dearly, so please dont dismiss me as having no sort of idea about how to nurture and raise children.

I was not trying to compare Santa to God but this is a good point… I guess when I look back it looks like it… Sorry :frowning:

What if I compared Shiva to Jesus or Mohammad to Krishna… My point is some religions may believe they are REAL and some not… Some would be VERY offended. Many of us here on this board have different beliefs and thoughts and that is ok :slight_smile:

I have made so many friends from all around the world :slight_smile:

Would I be lying to my children if I said that Jesus is not the son of god but a profit ??? Or would I be lying if I said that Jesus is the son of god ???

I just think it is up to the parents to decide what they should do about santa… I would RESPECT them either way… Was Santa real I think yes…

I did not mean to offend anyone at all and I apologize… I DO believe in god :slight_smile:

Peace and Love,
Susan Khan

Let’s all keep things nice and civilized, guys. Mom2bee, I think the big thing that has bothered me and some others, is that in your original post, you basically said you would be happy if your kids blatantly disrespected other kids beliefs just b/c you don’t personally think it’s right to lie to your kids. It’s hard for most of us to understand why you would encourage your kids to hurt other kids feelings. I mean, Santa’s a big deal to little kids. I would feel horrible if my son spoiled it for someone else, even though I choose not to lie to him like so many people do. The whole point of this thread was to find out how people are going to teach their kids to respect other children who believe something different than them. Kids can be cruel and speak without thinking, and most of us don’t want our kids to ruin (whether accidentally or on purpose) another child’s Christmas.

Well Said :slight_smile:

Most of us believe or do not believe in certain things and LETS respect each other :slight_smile:

No, I said I didn’t care if they announced over the loud speaker at kindergarten that Santa isn’t real. Meaning, I’m not going to fret over whether or not my kid is going to “spill the beans” about Santa to other neighborhood kids. You’re right, I dont think its right to lie to ones kids, especially over something like Santa. I said I’d teach them about Saint Nick and such from an academic point of view and explain where the original concept came from, but I’m going to be adamant about Santa = a Blatant, socially backed lie that doesn’t really have much point.

I’m planning to do the same if they ask me about the boogie man, Freddy, Chucky (the evil doll), or Tinkerbell…

Meaning if I ever got a phone call from an angry or distressed parent about what their kid had heard from mine, I wont be apologizing and promising to give my kids a good “talking too” or any of that. I’ll calmly explain to the parent that I dont share their sentiment or concern, hear them out, hang up and go about my business.

And now you are talking about teaching your kids to respect other kids beliefs.
Well, isn't that the point? I'm not going to teach my kids to hedge and dodge around speaking the truth about anything. But I'm not going to teach my kids to go around picking fights and such either. I said in my in my original post "... I hope my children will feel free to call out other Christian parents as liars and hypocrites if ever they [i][b]need [/b][/i]to." keyword being NEED to.

If someone calls my girl a little boy, she can correct them. If someone assumes my kids are atheist, they can correct them. If someone assumes my kids a Santa-believer. They can correct them. If someone assumes my child is a poor, miserable soul because their mama doesn’t put up lights or whatever, they can correct them. If someone assumes my child is abused or being pressured because their afforded as many educational and relationship-building pursuits from infancy as their mama can get her hands on, they can correct them. IF THEY WANT TO. I’m not going to be taking my kids to fights but I wont train them to be other kids punching bags either. My parents never left us the option of defending ourselves. It was more important to never be rude/confrontational/offensive/upsetting to others.
My siblings and just had to sit and take peoples crap all the time about practically everything. Clearly I’m still just a little bit peeved about that. I will NOT do the same thing to my own kids.

The whole point of this thread was to find out how people are going to teach their kids to respect other children who believe something different than them.
Wait, what? Just a sentence ago you expressed concern or confusion that I was planning on teaching my children respect for others beliefs, now it appears that I was on topic? :unsure: ....hmm..
Kids can be cruel and speak without thinking, and most of us don't want our kids to ruin (whether accidentally or on purpose) another child's Christmas.
I never said anything along the lines of "I look forward to the day my kids can spoil xmas and Santa for everyone elses kid."

I said if my kids were met with PROSanta hostility, I wanted them to be able to defend themselves if they feel up to it.

I see teaching the Anti-Santa facts to my kids in the same light that I view educating them about stranger danger or drugs. Dont be afraid (or alarmed) be aware. Be prepared JUST IN CASE.

Every stranger isn’t a kidnapper or pedophile, but all the same, I want them to know what to do in case they have the horrible experience of meeting one. I want them to feel secure in their ability to defend themselves or at least know that what they are being called to is FALSE.

On a calmer note. I sincerely apologize to waterdreamer, you and anyone else who was offended or disturbed by my posts. I do appreciate the moral and social message behind the holiday spirit and do have an immense respect and tolerance for the various ethnicities, religions, cultures, ideas and things that make me proud to be an American and a citizen of the earth.

I’m not a Christian/Christmas/Santa hating bigot, as I said before. I simply cant take the idea of my kids feeling the way that I spent 5-6 years of my life feeling. Like I was; trapped.

I knew Santa wasn’t true and that those adult relatives were just nasty-bullies, but I couldn’t do anything about it even when the few times I really wanted to. I wont put my kids in the same boat. I refuse to even entertain the idea.

Just typed in “muslim” in the forum search; wanted to see what would pop up and I cam escross this thread. I thought I would post this link. “Is christmas from Christianity” basically talks about the REAL origins of christmas and where Mr. Santa Claus originated from as well.

pretty interesting. Anyways, take care