Surely it’s semi-foolish to give your children a “toy” this expensive and not watch them as closely as you should… :mellow:
My kiddos have done so good with this thing, I got too lax with my supervision today. Hubby and I were both in the room though so I cannot take full credit for this one, we are both at fault. I don’t know if it was my 1 year old or my 2 year old that was the guilty party. My husband saw it fall off the couch when one of them was playing near it and lost interest for a few minutes but it only fell about 2 or 3 feet. So I am not convinced it was the fall, but we don’t have carpet so I don’t know it’s possible. If I had to, I’d bet that it was my one year old son and an unintentional misplaced foot. We think maybe after it fell one of the kids accidentally stepped on the screen, we just didn’t see it happen? The glass had a nice big crack running through it, with the screen not as responsive as it should be. That’s how we noticed, the kids couldn’t get the screen to work properly. You could barely even see the crack initially unless you held it up to the light.
Apple wanted $369 upfront and then would refund any excess after the fact, so we had no idea of the real cost beforehand
Homeowners Insurance wanted a $250 deductible
We are choosing to repair it ourselves for $170 ordering the parts through Amazon and voiding the warranty. When my DH took off the screen, the pressure released and the whole screen cracked the rest of the way. Heartbreaking to say the least! (PLEASE do not attempt to do this yourself without a background in this this sort of thing-- I am NOT advising people to go out and void their warranties at all so do not misinterpret that.)
Anyway, I will be an example to the group…::sigh:: Yes, they are great [expensive] teaching tools, but monitor your children accordingly.