Lately I have been doing some research on this topic and I like the Mathematics Enhancement Programme. I haven’t seen Earlybird Kindergarten Math. So, I can’t say if it’s the same or not but based on some discussions it sounds similar.
The best part is it is “FREE”. I like their worksheets.
Thank you dadDude for your review and sharing your experience. I am happy my grandson is a little younger than yours because i can be guided by your posts which i consider very valuable.
Being spanish our native language and his english is not develop, do you think it is better if i translate the material before going over it with him or should i wait for him to work more on his english and working the workbook in english will also help in learning english besides math?
Thanks again for the reviews they have been very helpful - I have looked at a number of programmes but have seen none of them so personal experience is always great to hear. It is also great that you say the writing could be a problem - my daughter is 3 years and 1 month and cannot write the numbers though she will try so I am very loathed to do worksheets that involve a lot of writing. We have also been using a lot of manipulatives, counting to higher numbers and skip counting now too. I know she has been able to do basic addition for a while though not to high numbers so it is great to hear what is in the curriculum. I guess for now I will have carry on as I have been until she is more ready for worksheets and writing. Does Singapore teach money and time at all and if so at what stage? Like you I also want my daughter to understand the maths but also be able to apply it later on (and even now) Does this programme help with this?
I have been using this program for the last couple of months with my 2 year old. I had anticipated that she would have problems with writing down her answers but, cognitively, I thought she was ready to start the activities. So I bought a set of number stamps from Amazon ( - I actually got the regular sized number set and not the jumbo ones but couldn’t find the link now. Anyways, for the activities that require writing numbers, I would let her pick the right stamp, stamp in her answer, and then trace it with her pencil. So it turned out to be two activities in one - doing math and practicing her tracing/writing skills. It has worked great - we are now about 1/3 of the way through the textbook and she enjoys the activities because she can play with stamps. Her pencil-holding skill and fine motor skills have markedly improved as well. Just thought I’d share this solution if you’re concerned about the writing activities.
Thank you soo much for sharing so many helpful tips! Not only about EB math, but also Ella’s reading program.
I hope you’ll start your blog, to share more about this wonderful journey you and your daughter are on
IT is just soo inspiring to see your daughter’s progress.
I bought EB KM book A with "Paternables"wookbook and Patern Block cards for about ~ $20 on eBay during back to school time.
My Isabella is 14 months and of course it is too early for her to start EB KM or Jones’s Geniuses Math, now we’re concentrated on LM + learning colors and shapes,
BUT I looked through those materials, it gives me idea in what direction I need to work with her.
I’ve been trying different workbooks/websites also for the students I teach in an after-school program. We have tried various workbooks like Singapore Math, IXL, Beestar, Kumon etc. Although my youngest student is in 1st grade you can still tell that students have to be really interested in the subject or they get tired of trying to learn the concept. It is also helpful when you present the same concept in different ways. I would definitely figure out what their learning style is but Beestar really did help my students stay interested because they can see their progress compared to other students. They worksheets are also free which really helps with schools on a budget. Most importantly the students are driven to learn after using this website.