Reading Bear demo & call for volunteers

Roadrunner has times when it runs better than others. The service is ridiculous but that is the best that they can offer us. I run youtube and hulu in 240p or 280p and let them buffer for a while. So it is manageable. Brill kids is pretty slow and I always have issues with the pop down options in the top taking a while. I just thought that was the site. I knew I didn’t have fast internet but I never realised how slow it was.

I will speed test again when my husband isn’t on the computer, that slows things down. I will take a screen shot if you like of what I see. When I retry the Reading Bear. And give you the stats at that time.

Update: My husband can run it just fine using firefox on his computer, it is fast, no slow loading times. My laptop is currently connected via WIFI. Being unable to load this up has now convinced him to go and get me a cord so that I can connect directly to the modem. Once I have that I will let you know if it runs off my computer using chrome. And I will be stoked to find if runs a lot faster and smoother for me. Sorry I haven’t been able to get anymore of it done the last few days because we have been without electricity due to AEP overloading.

Great, everything working fast and clear from my side we have a fast 2mbps connection and I used it with firefox can’t wait to show it to my girl

today when she comes back from playschool./

wow Karma to You without a doubt. :slight_smile: Thank you so much for your hard work. The program worked perfectly.