POLL: How many children do you have?

I have 5 happy boys. :slight_smile: They range from 1-12 years old.

I have one daughter who is 15 months old - time does fly.

I have a little boy who is almost 2 1/2.

We will take as many kids as God gives us, but so far He’s just blessed us with the one!!

Just the one beautiful amazing baby girl that steals more of my heart every day!

i have one and she thinks she can do anything even though she is just 6 months old

I have 7 kids 4 girls and 3 boys.And we wouldn’t change it for anything.

I am the granny amoungst all you young mothers. I have 3 grown up children (25, 33, 36!) and have a 16 month old foster child. It is a huge challenge, but one I would never dream of living without. We adore our baby girl.

I have on little boy. 2 1/2 years, but we are hoping for more in the near future.

I have two boys one is 27 months old and the other is 2 months old.

i have two children

kaelyn 5
landon 2

and i had a 3rd child Ashlyn she was born premie
she is an angel after being with us for 20 days.

I have 4:
girls 10 :smiley: , 4 :clown: and 2 :biggrin: y.o.
boy almost 8 lol

I have 3. Twin girls who are 4 years 7 months and my son who is 7 years old.

I have 2.

My son is almost 4 years and my daughter is 1 yr. 9 mos. old.

I have 4.
2 girls - 7 & 9 yrs old
2 boys - 3 & 4 yrs old

i have 4 boys.


I have 2 boys 4 and 2.


I have one daughter. She is 23 years old.

No children yet.


I have one boy. 2.5 yrs

I have two boys Kyle-Simon 3 and Michael-gabriel 1. still trying to figure out how i WANT TO teach them.