photos of our interesting teaching methods

thanks for the compliment, but it’s four kids, not two!! And it sure gets complicated, with the relationships between their friends, and each other etc…

I’m sure you yourself have enjoyed a lot building the nursery! What fun! Thanks for the great ideas I’ve picked up! =)


That’s a wonderful idea!

I’ve just a question regarding your wall posters (with words/pictures) related to right-brain development: As I recall that in order to tap/access/stimulate the right-brain we have to flash/show the flashcards in one second or less per word or picture. Will it affect the right-brain stimulation if the baby will stare on the word/picture posted on the wall?

I was planning before to paste all the learning board materials that I have on the wall. But when I learned/heard of the right-brain stimulation, I didn’t pursue that plan.

Is this ok? Thanks

The wall is left brain learning, so if you flash cards the right brain way, and do the wall thing, which is the same as looking at picture books, which you look at for ages, then look at again and again, you are doing ALL brain learning, which is the best way… to do right and left.

Hi Thanks Nikita,

I am planning on starting flash cards training for my kid looking at the pcitures you have posted I have also decided to use the walls to paste photos to teach her … as you said it will be whole brain activity …

That’s amazing. I haven’t seen this post before! Awesome! :slight_smile:

That’s a great work Nikita and so inspiring for all of us!

Great work!
I started doing the same thing in my daughter’s bedroom but she’s desperately trying to rip whatever it is I stick on the walls.
When she was a bit younger, I taped some shapes and the words Mum and Dad inside her cot, and one morning I found her chewing on the ‘Dad’ signed she had managed to remove… :slight_smile:

Oh my God I love it. It is extremely inspiring and beautiful way to go!!!

Wow I loved looking at your flashcard and poster walls.

Some thing I did with my daycare to keep things from being ripped of the walls is cover them with clear mactac or clear packing tape. I put large strips right over the poster to cover ever spot and also keep it stuck to the wall. Now no little fingers can pull it off and sticky fingerprints wipe right off.

Yeah, I can just picture my kids taking them off the wall and trying to eat them or ripping them to shreds! :slight_smile:

Hi Nikita,
You are amazing and very very dedicated mother.Your work is extremely inspiring, very increditable. Your hard work will pay off latter… Great job really .
What is your schedule of teaching. Please if you can share it .I will really appreciate it …
I love your work soooo much !
Thanks a million

Looks fun for bubs! God bless you, really dedicated mother!
Does your little one like to be alone with all these things to look at/play with or does she still prefer being with you/older siblings?

I have a question - wouldn’t all those cards on the wall be too much for a baby? It doesn’t seem like it would create a very calm/peaceful environment in their bedroom for falling asleep - right? Does this really work?

really great way to expose your little one to words & colours & shapes, etc.!!! now i’m inspired to do something similar. thank you :slight_smile:

BUb doesnt sleep in the hallway or the nursery, so doesnt have so much stimulation at sleep times. Bub slept in my room, now in her oldest sisters’ room as the new baby will be in my room. She still has posters all around the 2 walls next to her cot, but as I put her to bed when she’s already asleep (I’ve never been able to do the controlled crying thing) she only sees them when she wakes up when it’s daylight. Which means she will look at them and not want to get out of her cot immediately. (YAY!!!)
She prefers to be with me most of all…very clingy…but I try to encourage her to be with her siblings so I can get cooking etc. The hallway is where she rides in her toy car and runs up and down chasing cats plus visiting er siblings bedrooms. I was moving house (But didnt… a good thing as bushfires went through that area) so I took all the posters down, and have had problems putting them back up cos the double sided tape has stuck them together. I have to find a better way to put them up… renting so cant nail them to a backing board and screw that in.
The new bubs cot has posters with large colourful pictures, like the teletubbies, just for colour mainly. The bassinette and rocker will be next to black/white/red pictures for first 3 or 4 months.
I have a friend who read a book advising her to put babies to sleep in complete white boring surrounds. No mobiles, no posters. So she’d have nothing else to do but go to sleep. I suspect my mother did that with me, and I’ve never heard the end of what a naughty screaming insomniac I was. She would fall asleep outside my door an I’d be screaming hours later. I was bored!! Initially, before I moved to Vanuatu at 3 months old, she got desperate and put a TV in my room and I’d watch that quietly for hours until it went to white noise, then I’d start screaming.
So my kids sleep with me at night for the first year at least, and I just cant put them to bed awake by themselves. It seems too sad and lonely. I cant bear to hear them cry, and I cant bear the idea that they might be bored (I’m apparently a DR SPOCK 1960’s style parent, not a 1950’s rigid scheduled parent… the kids would hardly be handled, they were fed, changed and put to bed…made to sleep all day with no stimulation. I watched a documentary on ABC recently… in England they would shove the babies in prams, put them out in the garden, close the door and let them scream for 4 hours until the next feed time.)