New year's goal: read 2,013 book this year

Hi, I have not explained our language situation well before. :nowink: I do use both languages with my daugter but because we decided to use English when we are alone and the native language when daddy is back from work(he works long hours) we use English more and we read in English more. We have been working hard to set the rules for our languages so I don’t want to change that . She goes to preschool and she gets more of our native language now and I can tell she was dropping English a bit.
We have quite a nice selection of book but those are the books for children to read really not for the parents to read to the children :confused:
I am trying to buy books you recommend on the forum and from now on I will focus more on buing books for “parents”. So I would be happy to read your suggestions!
I will probaby change our goal to 3 books and 2 poems a day.

Thank you for the recommended links. Skylark I will wait patiently :slight_smile:
Reading on the iPad is not the same as reading the real book but I am sure it will help a lot.

I didn’t do this last year and felt sorry afterwards! I am going to try to reach this aim too although I only have 4 full days per week as I work on 3 days. Even on my work days, I try to get my oldest to read one book at breakfast and both kids still get one or two books at bedtime after nursery and probably do a fair bit of reading at nursery too, but I will not count those. But this does give me a bit of leeway if we have a bad few days. I will aim for my 3-year old to read 1-2 books to me and I will read 3-4 to her. All these books will count!

I will aim for 5 books per child (i have two kids) per day on 4 days a week so that reaches the target of 2013 books as a family. There may well be some crossover and each will often hear the other’s books but it’s simpler for me to do it this way. If we get to chapter books or story books with multiple short stories then each chapter will count as a book. I am happy to count a reading of any book - they don’t all have to be different ones as we would never achieve this, plus my kids love repetition. I’ll also aim for a poem a day (but probably only changing the poem once a week so that we start to learn it).

I’m sure I won’t keep a record of all the books read, but it will be motivating to know that everyone here is reading lots with their children and hopefully that will help keep us on track.

I have just found this on youtube maybe you could post links here as well. Or should I start another thread?

Oh wow! What a beautiful reading of Goodnight Moon! Karma

After thinking this over for a few days I have decided that we are in. I have to make adjustments to the way we did this last year is we are going to succeed. Last year we did not count books that we read more than once in a month on our list. Chapter books were counted as 1 book. I began to feel a little frustrated towards the end of last year trying to find new and exciting books to read. Now that I have accepted that we can re-read books, this will be much easier, and there is a lot of benefit to reading books repeatedly. Now that we have decided to participate, we are really excited and need to get busy getting caught up!!

Thanks, Tamsyn, for the push. Even if we don’t complete our goal, we should come close and that is not a bad thing.

I have found this website it might be useful to parents with younger children who teach english as a forein language. They also have an app which is nice and my daughter likes to listen to it in bed on our iPad just before I come with the real book. We started to read a chapter book with limited pictures in it (we have seen the story in the theatre before so she was quite interested). And that motivated me to add more theatre visits along with our reading goal.

LOL I found myself saying. Darn it I’ve only read 100+ books to Baby Z so far. Then I shake my head and realize its WAY more then his older brother had at this age.

How is this challenge going for everyone?

We are sitting at 240 books.

Right at 300 books (+/- dozen).

We’ve been reading books on the alphabet called. ie: My “A” book, My “B” book, C, D, etc… Although they are a bit long for a 2 year old (about 20 pages average), my twins really enjoy them.

Oh I found a few of those at a local thrift store! I think we have a b and c. Those are on our list too!

250 ish. February was a flop because we slacked on our library visits, but we’ve been catching up this month! It’s neat to have the support here, thank you.

Do you count ebooks?

This is exciting. We’ve been reading about 5 books each day to my kid, but I haven’t kept track of it. 2013/365= ~5.52. I’ll try to do 6 or 7 books a day now.

Why not? Yes, I have.


I was afraid someone was going to call me on this goal. lol Thank you. I haven’t been keeping track lately, and frankly I haven’t been as good about reading to my kids lately. Ever since Patrick really started reading on his own, he hasn’t requested it as often. We still do a lot of reading, but when they don’t beg for it, I don’t do it as much, and I’ve put my attention on other areas. Ruth is doing great as far as learning how to read, but since I haven’t counted flashcard sessions (digital or otherwise), it doesn’t contribute much to my total count. But with 6 months left, I guess I better step up to bat and get it done. I didn’t realize how lofty this goal was when I set it! If a book or chapter takes 10-15 minutes, it doesn’t add up as fast as I thought it would. I don’t want to read lots of little board books only for the sake of reaching the 2013 goal either. This summer we have been reading at least 20 minutes every day or the library’s reading program, so I’ve kept track of the time instead of book count, and it really does take that long to read the books my older kids need ME to read to them. If I kept track of all the reading they did to themselves, we wouldn’t be behind, but that wasn’t the purpose of my goal. Hmm. It’s time for me to re-evaluate what’s important to me and reaffirm my goal to read more.

I’m only a 1/4 way through my goal. But since we started ECing with Baby Z, our numbers have jumped up quite a bit. I was also reading books and forgetting to write the book title down. So now I just started keeping a tally and add the amount to my book every week or so.

I was asking about ebooks because Baby Z and I have been doing the Hooked on Phonics app and at the end of each lesson is an ebook. So I’m added them in my tally :slight_smile:

I realized a few months ago that I am not able to do this. I really wanted to, but my kids have needed more reading in the way of chapter books, and they take too long to read what I would need to get to this number. I really liked doing this last year, but truthfully, I think I need this year off. We are still reading, somedays more, somedays less, but it seems that there aren’t enough picture books to select from anymore and maybe I am just making excuses…

Reading to my kids is hugely important to me. We have developed a lovely summertime routine where we sit in the driveway in the morning at a little table and I read a chapter book to them while they have their breakfast. We have been reading for about an hour or more a day, but it just really wasn’t counting towards this goal. I congratulate all of you who are still officially in the game. May you reach your goal.

Frankly we read so many books I need a simple way to keep track. I don’t want to have to track done the pen and paper. I just need an app where I can scan the ISBN and have the book logged.

Let me know if you find one. For right now we just are doing tally marks.

Thanks for the tip! Found “Book Crawler” app, seems to scan/find fast ISBN and very easy to use. It has a sharing option also.
For the book challenge - it’s a pity I noticed this challenge only now because it might be too late to join in ( already almost July)? Or maybe we could do now half of it for 6 month challenge? Would love to do something like that - It indeed seems to be a good idea to count/note down the books you read, we started the summer reading program on our local library last week which was only 15 books for the summer, so we obviously reached that goal fast but I kept on noting down the books, it certainly helps you to keep you up on going!

This is a great idea! We’ll take the challenge. I think that I might create a post to keep track of ours.