My son has suddenly started stuttering

My update:

The other day we heard a bit of stuttering from my son and realized that we hadn’t been hearing it for quite a while! I can’t say for sure that it was the visit to the chiropractor, but I can say that I’m glad we went. Every once in a while now my son will repeat his sounds but it is not near what it was last month!

Maybe it was a developmental “skip”, or maybe a physical/mechanical issue…who knows, but when you’re in that place you do what you can to help and at the time we thought it wouldn’t hurt to see a chiropractor.

Anyway…that’s that and I hope it’s my final update :slight_smile:

Thats great news!! Thanks for updating!

my 3 year old who is very well spoken most of the time stutters every few months
it normally last about 3 weeks
we never talk about it or tell her to slow down
most of the time i don’t think kids are aware of it till someone tell them
we have tried a few things which seem to help
one is to stop whatever i’m doing get down on her level and hold her right hand
other thing is to gently but firmly stroke the base of her head down to her neck
(this also helps when kids are upset or frustrated)
crawling and any other cross patterning things you can do
(all these things help with brain processing)

and most of all remembering that it will pass
a parent being stressed will make a kid stressed

one thing we noticed was that she seemed to ether have a big leap in development or language
and thus more to say
like her brain was working faster then her mouth
or that there was some kind of stress like moving or a change of some sort
anyway hope this helps

Not sure if this will help or not, but I know a little 4 yo who stutters because he has difficulty pronouncing some sounds. As soon as he encounters a tough word (which is in almost every sentance) he starts to stutter. His older sister did the same thing & speaks perfectly for her age after having speech therapy. I am sure there are many causes, but I thought I’d mention this.

great news, just keep in mind that children speak at different ages and you have to give him time.

tatianna, my grandson does not exactly stutters but as kmum said when saying a word that is hard for him i see he is delaying like giving instructions to his mouth as to what or how it has to be said. I see his brain is faster. So i patiently hear him and when he finish i repeat it and he says it again with no cutting words.