My 3-year-old boy reading a couple of random books

Tooooooooo Cool!

DadDude, great work on teaching your son how to read. He reads awesome for such a young age. And the amount of technology available today does indeed take away from the idea of “just reading” to your child works too! But then if everyone just “read” to their children how would they make millions of dollars without selling all those tech./fancy products. I LOVE using tech. to teach with but I find that my toddler loves the intimate moments best as I hold him in my lap and read him his favorite stories. He can actually “feel” being loved at the same time while his brain is absorbing info.

Hi Raising Ethan,

I have viewed your vedios in youtube. They are great! I can see that Ethan loves books alot. He was trying to recite them as you read to him. That’s cute! I have a daughter who is about the same age as Ethan, and we even have the same book - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. But things for me are a complete opposite to what i have been in your vedio. The momement she sees that book, she will ran away from it. This happened even the first time i showed it to her and also applies on other books as well. She used to love books. I started reading to her as young as before her 6th month. She can sit in my lap for as long as 45 mins. Things started to change a couple of months ago. She is so active now that it is hard to keep her still in my lap. She likes to play with us “run and chase”, “hide and seek”, “piggy back”, “bouncing on bed” etc. I am a working mum and i have only a couple of hours for her evey night. I truely agree with the “feel” being loved thing. And i am missing it. :slight_smile: Could you please advise? Would be really keen to know what’s your magic. :slight_smile: Please advise on how many books or how long you read to Ethan a day. What is your list of books that you have choosen to read. It would be really useful for me as my girl is about the same age as Ethan. Many thanks in advance.

Susan, I don’t know how old your girl is, but when my boy was about 12 months, he went through a period of about 3-4 months or something like that in which he definitely didn’t want to read books so much. But it was just a phase. He came back to books with gusto.

Thanks DadDude, my girl is 18 months now. Glad to know this is just a phase. Looking forward to have our “cuddly” time again. :biggrin:

My 16 month old is the same way, good to know. Thanks everyone.

great job…DadDude

Did u teach him phonics…

Thanks. Yep!

I have a 3-year-old nephew who can read books, especially picture books and children encyclopedia. :smiley:

My son who is 3 years old now can read some single words only. I tried to join words into short sentences, then hopefully move to long sentences over time. but seems that my son couldn’t progress from there. he’s still stuck at the single words phase…

what can i do?

Hi sonic–it depends on what your son is willing to do. If he likes looking at powerpoint presentations or Little Reader, using those things regularly would help. There are many other fun ways to get past the single word stage…e.g., “Your Baby Can Read” and “Readeez.”

But maybe it would help to stop thinking of things in “single word” vs. “sentences” stages. That’s just a construct of the Doman school, isn’t it? As soon as your son can read two words that together make a sentence, he can read sentences, can’t he? So I don’t see the distinction as being that meaningful or helpful, really. You could always just keep focusing on improving his ability to read words for example with my above-linked “Flesch cards.” If he’s like my boy was, it’s just a matter of getting comfortable with increasingly difficult words. After that, especially if you read enough books, reading sentences just happens as a matter of course.

I was just checking out that DVD “Readeez” you just mentioned above. It seems like a lot of fun, and the background music isnt boring at all. Do they only have one volume so far? I hope they make more. Such a cool way to teach kids how to read :slight_smile:

I’m impressed with your son’s reading skills by the way!

Thanks–the DVD is great, but I think there is just one volume so far.

Hi DadDude & Everyone,

Are there any LR or .ppt downloads of the fleschcards you made? I am aware of the mediafire .doc’s you posted.

And if not, do you mind if I use the .doc’s/pictures to create LR categories and upload them to the BK site, please? I am waiting to receive Why Johnny Can’t Read, and will probably use LR to teach the “fleschards” with in the future. I will make sure that the points go to you.


Ayesha–that would be really really great. I wish you would!

Dear DadDude,

Excellent! I will probably work on it slowly between some Classical Arabic lessons I am engrossed in at the moment, and potty training of the girls soon. :wacko: So I will keep you posted!

Thank you very much!

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Hi Ayesha - I have transfer many of these pictures and words into ppt for my daughter and nieces and since DadDude has given permission to post them here I will do so. No need for you to work on these.

Will keep you posted. Look for Phonics Files. I like big pictures so I changed some that looked blurry or not too clear to me.


ps: Thanks DadDudde for those files.

Hi, GloriaD,

I’m interested in your Phonics files.
May I know how I can get to download them?

I appreciate your work on them and thanks for sharing them.

Mable Chan

Hello, DadDude! I’m very impressed with your son’s achievements. It;s great!
And I wonder what exactly I do wrong. My 3y.8m son doesn;t read at all. We’re reading (I mean presentations with words, then short texts and verses) about a year. We read paper books also every day with rare exceptions. How should his ability to read display? I see he can;t recognize words at all, even short.
How did you “make” your son show he can read?? Did he begin by himself? How that happend?
I think it;s my fault and 'm losing assurance I can teach him… :frowning:

Hi, Anastasiya,

You have to play lots of word games with your child besides reading with him.
Repitition is also key to learning. They need lots of repitition to learn. I recommend the website for you. Agnes is a very professional child care teacher as well as a very loving mum. You’ll get lots of ideas from her videos.
