My 3.5 year old with Down syndrome can read books!

Hi KMum! I just joined this forum after following the link from your blog. I found your blog while randomly googling “teaching special needs child to read”.

I’m really inspired by your (and your DD’s) progress! Congratulations!

My 3 year old DD was recently diagnosed with a unique chromosomal disorder. We’d always known she had global delays but didn’t know why. Now we do but with there is still no prognosis because its never been reported in the medical literature before. So its my job to stimulate her and teach her and challenge her so that she reaches her potential - whatever that may be. I have high hopes for her!

Early literacy is a such a powerful tool. I taught my now 5 year old son to read when he was 3. My DD is 3 now, and I have no reason to think she can’t be taught all the things her big brother can do, even if it takes a little longer and maybe a different approach.

Anyways, I’m definitely consider the BrillKids program. I was just about to embark on my own hand-made flashcards but this definitely looks easier!

Thanks again everyone & baba - thanks for the great You Tube links!

Vangrrl - so glad you found my blog & the forum! This is a wonderful, supportive community.

Down’s Syndrome kids who can read are living proof that these kids can be helped! To learn how Down’s Syndrome kids of various ages age being helped check out

Hi Laura

I was just checking out your website and watching the videos - well done!
I too have been teaching my son with Down syndrome to read from a young age. While I have had some success with reading we have had far more success with encyclopedic knowledge.
It’s strange but he seems a bit blocked with words. Having said that he is still probably ahead of many kids his age.
The key is to persevere and I feel newly inspired to do so. Thank you.

That’s really interesting Denise. We have done some EK, but I’ve been thinking lately that we should increase it. How quickly do you do the cards?

As for reading, he likely is still learning the words although he doesn’t say them. My dd was nonverbal when we started, so, although she was learning, I had to wait a lot longer to hear the results.

Hi Laura
In response to your question we do the cards quite quickly. Josiah will look at the card for as long as it takes me to say what it is. I think that’s what you were asking. If however you were asking how often to I introduce new material the answer is not often enough. Our kids are capable of learning so much more than we teach them. Their ability to learn is definatley far greater than our ability to present new material.

wow amazing replies from wonderful parents!

yes even my dd can read when she was 3 yrs also. i will try to attach her video soon!

I just read your whole blog… and came here to learn about brillkids. I have a 13-month old boy with DS and cannot wait to start him on this program. Kep up the good work.

Baba - I’d love to see you’re video! I hope you are able to post it or even post a link.

Sashmom - You read my whole blog? WOW! I’m flattered :biggrin:

I’m glad it helped & that you found BrillKids - it is an awesome resource & a wonderful supportive community!

Thanks for the response to my question Denise Joy! I finally ordered some EK cards yesterday.