multiplication tables

I have both, and this multiplication in minutes is the best. I actually have at least 3 different ones ( posibly 4) and still think this one is the best. Simple because the combination of ridiculous stories and pictures makes it a multifaceted learning. Buy this one, don’t hesitate. :yes:
Only one other way could be better than this one and that would be if the child made up their own stories and pictures to go with it. Just imagine that! One of my girls will probably learn best that way she already has a lovely story about the rainbow for 7 times 7…
The student book has a page with the story and a page with the picture. For each multiplication fact. I can’t remember if it has the numbers but I guess it must or it wouldn’t work lol
I actually mentioned that the student book could be used for coloring in…I have since printed off a few pages from it and well the quality isn’t as good as photocopying from the actual teachers book. Did anyone else successfully use them for colouring in? if you can get cheap postage the physical book has EVERYTHING in it. If the postage is too much to your place get the student e book (and if you need more the flash cards.) there are a bunch of free printable worksheets on their website too. The student e book is really all you need. Just read the stories a bunch of times until they are internalized.
I think the motivation comes from the stories themselves. The kids think they are hilarious. The younger the kids the funnier the stories seem to be. For the record the vocab issue popped up again, I had to teach my kids what a fort was ( seriously, I thought they would have known that one! They actually owns a Toy fort!) so a quick pre read may be useful for little kids, or teach on the fly like I do. lol

What a great site! I love the fact navigator :yes: Is there anywhere a link to download the stories as well? It is so funny. I would love to have them on the cards.

Hi Mandabplus3 & Nadia,

thanks for your sharing… After hearing your comments… i would definitely wanted to get the colour flash cards (0.99) + student ebooks (4.99) .

Where can i print the story as well? Is not found on the flashcard right? For the color flashcards , it only states that "the flashcards have the multiplication fact on one side and the answer with the picture link on the other.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I have found them. The short stories - Three x Three= Nine / Tree x Tree = Line , if it is what you are looking for, they are the colour flashcards :slight_smile:

I am on the wrong computer to answer that but I know for a fact that the student ebook has the stories in it. I can’t remember if the stories are on the flashcards. I doubt it I think the flash cards are visual reminders but I will check for you tomorrow.

I’m convinced…Thanks Manda. I am getting one too and can’t wait to go through with my lovely daughter. :biggrin:

Sorry for the late reply!

I supplement with the soroban to teach her addition. For example 2x3, I told her to put “2” three times and read the value after. She does know the concept of multiplication even before we started to memorize facts. She maily got the concept from our conversation like “I love you once, twice, three-times more, I love you 10-times more, etc.”

I really liked the right brain multiplication book. I got it on currclick for free in pdf form a while ago. They still have it for a discount, I think $10 dollars off the child-1st price. It has multiple ways to remember and calculate all the facts.

Kerileanne99, hows your progress on the multiplication ? Did you actually bought this Memorize in Minutes Time table hardcopy + free ebook? …

I found this TimeTales… is it similar to the Memorize in Minutes Ebook( we are talking about here? Is the multiplication ebook shows the smilar way like this TIme Tales ? But timetales is for 9 times table only… Is there any sample how the memorize in Miutes ebook looks like ?Any DVDformat as my kid can better sit still and watch when there is animation…

Hi! I just constructed the flash cards and started showing my 4 yr-old the video clips this morning - however, I think I want some assurance before continuing. Before - for example, if I ask him 3x3, he knew to skip count by 3, 3 times or he would grab 3 of our Math U See blocks and know it’s 9. It’s a rather slow process - but he gets the concept. After showing him the website clips this morning though (which he loved)…there’s a lot silliness as he tries to remember that “tree times tree equals line” and he goes off telling me all the words that rhyme with tree. So…I’m wondering if this is a good thing to continue? Or am i worring too much? I’m pretty confident he could learn all the tales quickly and therefore know the whole multiplication table - which is great! But is it worth it having him stop thinking in terms of skip counting and instead in terms of shoes, tress, doors, etc - lol. I’d love your thoughts!

Babymum, that clip is similar but it is far too complicated. The memorize in minutes is much much easier to grasp, especially for younger kids. A two year old has no point of reference for a boy with a 6 on him being in first grade, they don’t know from personal experience that 6 year olds are in first grade. Multiplication in minutes is pegged to rhymes, much easier to teach rhyming to a toddler.
Theycan, if your son understands what multiplication represents ( that 3 groups of 3 objects makes 9 objects.) then you have nothing to worry about, continue with the stories and memorize the whole lot. It won’t be long before the “silliness” turns into a rapid fire of multiplicaton answers. It doesn’t take long for children to stop saying the “tree times tree equal line” and jump to " line, nine" and then to just “nine”
Lets face it if you wait until rhyming isn’t fun for him you are stuck with rote learning like most children learn in grade 3. Boring!
Personally I see no reason not to teach the stories even if your kids don’t skip count or understand times tables. At some point you need to teach them the understanding but I can’t see why it has to be first :smiley: Of course if they understand it first or as you teach it it’ll be much more interesting for them.

Alex has done really, really well with the Memorize in Minutes material because the stories are so cute! In the very beginning, I tried to go slowly and make sure she could do on the RS abacus what she was memorizing…but she just wanted to get on with it lol
I did do demos with her on the abacus the first time we read each story, and she does see it as repeated addition (yes, I know some will disagree strongly with this, and we have taught her that it works that way for whole numbers :yes: )
Occasionally during a math playtime, I will have her show me on the abacus the multiplication, but really, that will come in time if you didn’t strictly check understanding as you taught. My kid just always wants to know the why of it…

I also have the Times Tales material that my mom sent, but, as MandaB said, they are far more complicated. Even the pictures themselves are more complicated! Since this is a very RB way of learning them, I also had her close her eyes to visualize the pictures (and to re-tell the stories to me!). I can’t imagine she would have learned as fully or cohesively with a DVD, even if the stories/pictures were more enticing… But again, that could be due to her age.

Also, as we did the reading of the stories, it was cuddle time/reading time with mom, which I think she learns from much faster (of course, that too is a RB way of teaching, so they go hand-in-hand)

One thing I did do: since I started these with Alex just after age 2.5, I showed her the number association cards several times over the course of a week. I wanted to make sure she didn’t struggle to associate, but I am not sure this was strictly necessary-but it did make the process flow a bit better for us!

Okay - I think I’m a fan now : ). I’m having him also skip count after he tells me the answer and it’s going well. My thoughts before on why not to have him know it first, was that it seems I should get him used to doing mental math…to “see” the three 3s in his head when you say 3x3 (maybe my question is - are you supposed to see that???) I just hoping I’m not mess anything up with mental math here in the beginning our journey - lol! Know what I mean?

Think of it more like adding bits of info to what they already know. If he already knows the answers it will be simple for his brain to picture three lots of three and KNOW that there are 9 objects all together. Like I said at some point the need to understand it but not necessarily first.
We dont stop flashing word cards because our baby has never seem a dinosaur now do we? Or we don’t not teach them about atoms because they don’t see them…
Think IMPUT!

Hi, I have a great update too. My daughter who is almost 4 also is doing a great job with the Multiplication in Minutes. She loves the stories. Sometimes, she gets confused because the stories are similar but I have tried to go slow and make sure she knows each one and the distinction before moving further. We are starting 8 now.

Thanks soo much everyone for the great ideas! I always dreaded teaching the multiplication tables. I thought it would be terrible, memorizing is! But it was soo easy with that, I would never have thought of it till Nadia and Manda encouraged. Super Thanks :slight_smile:

Looking forward to more great ideas. Nadia, if you have anywhere written down the things you do with Cammie, I would so appreciate it.

Wonderful! That great to hear. The kids truly love these stories don’t they. Such a great idea for young children.

If you’re looking for useful site where u can learn multiplication tips you must visit Aztekium -
I’ve learn my kids how to count well by this site 8) 8) 8)

Thats’ great.
many thanks