List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families

Yes, Mozart belongs on the list for sure!

I do have to dispel the common myth that he wrote “twinkle” when he was a kid though. He actually only did a theme and variation on the popular French melody “Ah, vous dirai-je maman” when he was 25. It’s actually quite good. :slight_smile:

But he was the star entertainment in Vienna, and his education was most certainly deliberate.

Ainan Crawley.

The Imafidon children.

They are simply incredible. They got GCSCs in Maths at about age 6. The twins then passed A Level Mathematics Exams soon after. Then they proceeded to take the University of Cambridge’s Advanced Mathematics test which they passed at age 7. ( GCSCs are typically taken by 16 year olds; A Levels are typically taken by 18 years olds.)

Here is a news article about the kids -

And here are some interviews with the children from Skynews, BBC, and GMTV:

Now this blows my mind. Not just have the children done incredible things in Maths at very young ages, other kids enrolled in their Excellence in Education'' program have achieved similar feats. An example is this girl who got her GCSCs at age 5 and was now studying for A Levels at age 6 - When I re-read that article carefully, I noticed she was enrolled on the Excellence in Education’’ program.

And there is also this 6 year old, who took the GCSC at age 5, then got the results at age 6. She’s also on the Excellence in Education program:

And there are other children listed on their website who’ve achieved similar feats. See

The father asserts that any child can achieve similar feats. Does anyone know how their program works to make such feats even possible?

Has any one been able to find any details about Excellence in Education and what they actually do. The website doesn’t really give much information on their program. My guess is that they are working through the books advertised on ther website (bond for the primary ages) with a 2 hour tutoring/mentoring session on Saturday and homework the rest of the week.

I liked what the Imafidon father said in one of the interviews when asked how his children were so smart. He said something along the lines of we provide an enabling environment where we allow the children to do essentially what they want to do and then feed the habit (or I would say support and encourage them).

Also interested me that both Paula (one of the twins) and Deborah (in the last clip) say that they find it fun and like a game. I would love to know how they develop this attitude.

Adam Grimm - In 1999, became the youngest in history to win the National Duck Stamp contest at age 21. Each year, the US awards a duck painting the prestige of appearing on a stamp used on annual permits.

Madison Grimm - Daughter of Adam Grimm followed in her father’s footsteps and took up photographing and painting ducks as a passion. Under her father’s tutelage became an accomplished duck painter herself, winning the Junior National Duck Stamp contest in 2013 thus becoming the youngest ever to win the award at age 6. Unfortunately, people said it was not possible for her to become so accomplished at such an age and her award has therefore been reversed. A quick google image search for Madison Grimm pulled up some very impressive paintings she has done. I felt the family story ought to appear in this thread for obvious reasons. :yes:

EDIT: glad to report that due to the publicity generated in this decision, Madison’s win was re-instated. There you have it, the youngest winner, ever.

:slight_smile: I just have to mention how much I love this community :slight_smile:

Carissa Yip - US Chess Player, currently the youngest chess expert in the USCF, at the age of 9. Making expert means she’s ranked in the top 2100 players nationally. More info on her at this link :

Fields Medal winner Terrence Tao:

benjamin Franklin
Apparently he learnt to read young saying he never could remember a time when he couldn’t read and never could remember learning to.
Reading over his early life does suggest someone of unusual thinking. Rading a book on how to swim and then going to do it, :ohmy: creating wooden paddles for his hands and feet to make him swim faster. A very creative mind is shown over and over in his auto biography.