Is walker good or bad?

My son loved the walker!!! He came to work with me from 6 weeks old until he was 7 months old. I started putting him in a walker there when he was about 3 months old. We even modified his walker, so he could reach the floor. By the time he was 7 months old, he was no longer happy staying in the walker, plus he could reach waaay too much. He was taking steps on his own at 8 months, and walking at 9. I think being in the walker helped him be more independent, plus he loved it!!! The only thing his Dr. had to say about the walker was to make sure there weren’t any stairs he could fall down, and to keep him away from the stove with it. Both things were kind of “duh!” to me. I think if you have the room for the child to use the walker, why not let them use it? They can explore on their own, you just have to keep an eye on them to make sure they’re safe!

Okay so, I don’t think there is anything wrong with a walker as long as there is supervision for obvious reasons of stairs and stoves ect. I had got my daughter a walker and I do not know if it was not enough room for her to enjoy but she didn’t learn to walk with it. She sat in it played, she walked backwards a little. But I found it to be a waste if you are looking to use it to help teach walking. My mother had got her a toy carriage and baby doll that is supposed to help teach walking the back wheels are set farther apart to help with stability…it is considered a walker but it isn’t one of those big ones they sit in which I believe is what you are talking about, the carriage walker worked tremendously better for my daughter. However, all babies are different. But overall as long as you are always keeping an eye on your little one, walkers are fine in my humble opinion.

Walkers are not recommeded by pediatricians because there are so many people who abuse it by not watching their children. Just like they do now with medicines like cough syrup. There were some parents abusing the medication with their children.
Its one of those if there is a bad apple in the basket it spoils the bunch things.

I used walkers with all four of my daughters (supervised) and they are none the worse for ware. They walk and run just fine. It has never hindered their ability in any way physically. Of course I think having them in one all day is not smart. But I usually would put them in one if I had to do something for a few minutes and they were within my sight.

Just always put them where there is flat surface and no stairs, or surfaces with bumps or crevices.

Our doctor also said that but I didn’t what our doctor said. Our kid uses walker now and starts to walk on his own. I think there is nothing wrong with walker. Me and brother also used walker way back and even our nieces and nephews use it as well now.