How to teach Shichida method?

I will start tomorrow :):slight_smile: and I will keep Brillkids community updated on my conclusions :biggrin: :biggrin:

It’s good!
This method is quite a good method, not only good for the kids as well as the parents or adults!
Keep it up!

FrukC that was an amazing post!!! thanks for that…

** Sleep talk positive affirmation suggestions:

Daily as soon as ur child sleeps suggest in a very low voice for just 3 minutes. talk to him about his inner potential, innate abilities, faith in God, and positive energy, and inner harmony and peace etc., One topic/day.

  • you have an inner light, believe in that.
  • open yourself to the inner light
  • open your heart and you will find infinite potential there
  • you cannot fall sick, you are good always.
  • health and hygiene is important
  • you will prosper for sure
  • abundance flows to you
  • you can attract good company
  • you are wonderful
  • all good is happening around you
  • your heart is so wide, that it can encompass a universe

etc., the child starts believing in affirmations and that will be with the child all through life to help.

**Avoid any disharmony, negative words, harsh words, negative suggestions, bad news in tv, - till atleast child is 3 yr. After this child can never take any negative news in life even is he encounters.

** always smile and be cheerful with the child. the child should NEVER see a sad face.


Thanks, Mirra,
what to say to sleeping child - this is a subject which I unsuccessfully tried to google :):slight_smile: you helped me a lot :slight_smile:

but about the guessing games again.
does anybody has a child who can, for example, choose the correct card all 5 times? how long time this training took and how long-lasting was this skill?

I read a discussion somewhere here (unfortunately I cannot find it right now) about affirmation words told to a child in sleep. And the conclusion was that these words should be said right at the moment when the child is really falling asleep but not sleeping yet. Because when falling asleep a child enters a natural alpha state and that there is no use to talk to him later when he is sound asleep. There is almost nothing to find on Internet on this subject. Does anyone knows more about the right time to give positive affirmation? Of course it is never too much and it does no harm if we say it to the sleeping child, but it would be good to know the best moment?

there was information about this book
Sleep Talk: A Breakthrough Technique for Helping Your Child Cope With Stress and Thrive Through Difficult Transitions
by Lois V. Haddad (Author), Patricia Wilson (Author), Judith Searle (Author)

I am thinking, can this method be used for potty training?

Do a search for sleep talking on the forum and you should get a couple of links.

Dear Frukc,

hahaha, I’m wondering about the same question too!! :biggrin:

To be honest, I’d tried this method for my dd potty training too, unfortunately the result is not as good. However, she can hold on a bit longer than before, just wondering could it because she is growing up at the same time? :blink:

Here is the thread about talking to a sleeping child:
BrillKids Forum > Early Learning - General Discussions > Benefits of sleep talking?

Thank you Frukc, I’ll order the book, I read the very positive reviews in amazon.

Question about the guessing games again.

I did not succeed guessing games with my kid (2.4). With cards she says “complicated, don’t like”. Probably she is too little also for weather forecasting :):slight_smile: We only do the guessing “in which hand do I have a piece of paper”. She wins less than 50% because I guess her pattern of guessing :slight_smile: but she likes this game.

I tried to search for more detailed descriptions of guessing games used in Shichida classes.
“My two year old for the most part takes to the ESP games like a duck to water (the 2 year olds don’t work with cards though).”

Anybody can tell me how to play this game? It might be something very popular which I don’t know :):slight_smile:
Can you recommend also other such games for 2 years old?

Hi all, is one of the good sites that Shichida and Glenn Domain mothers shares their experinces.


Thanks! I also found this resource.

And I discovered a guessing game which works wery well for us. It is “I have 3 (or more) cards in my hand, which of them is joker?”. My kid loves to “play” cards. Other games are - I have 2 small balls, yellow and blue, in a box, I touch one (I don’t know which) and ask, which colour do I have.

Here I can share some tips I found for guessing games for kids below 3.

There are guessing games like. e.g. kids are shown a picture e.g. a house and given a choice of a few items (e.g. cute pics of animals) and ask to choose which one is hidden inside.


So for very young children, you can say place a picture of a red car in an envelope and ask her to feel it and guess what it could be. She may not say ‘car’ in the first try but u can help her by asking," Do you feel anything when you touch it? warm or cool? what color is the object?etc".

Slowly, you’d develop their ESP. Here’s another exercise which leaves my kids in giggles. Take a blank card and another which has a picture of ice cream on it. Face them down and ask child to guess where the ice cream is. Since its their favourite food, they’ll guess it correctly at least 3 out of 5 times


For telepathy, we use the boy’s ‘magic eye’ - in the middle of his forehead.
We get him to use his ‘magic eye’ and look through a few cards that are faced down. And say we ask him to look for the card with ‘strawberry’ on it. And that’s it, simple as that. To add to the feel, we put dramatic sounds to it, as if his ‘magic eye’ is doing the reading.

Sometimes, we even ask him to guess which elevator (in the shopping mall) will stop to pick us up.

Thank u for all information posted here. I stay in bangalore,India, where I can get this materials to teach my child who is 18 months old.He is in LR,LM 1 st sem. Any shidia training centre in bangalore? Pls give dtails.

PLS let me know any centres in bangalore,India or how to get the materials.Pls help me to teach my baby who is 17 months old in schidia method.