I have read this post and the different opinions about it. Thank you for the answer. I have a daughter who is almost one year old. I think that I have a high level but my English pron. isn´t native. When my LO was younger, younger :yes: :yes: it is funny is she an old woman now? I began to speak to her in English but there were many words that I had not in my memory. I had to study them. Ok , I can do it… Later, again but I am not a native person… Well, I have bought a very good book called Get rid of your accent, in amazon. It is super… I have ups and downs with this subject, especially now that I cannot listen to LR. The staff here is very kind and I expect that the problem is solved soon, because this programme is the best one.
I have found some interesting articles, that perhaps can help those parents who feel a little worried about their accent, and the lack of some very specific vocabulary. I also want to add some youtube videos that can help some of those parents.
http://www.multilingualliving.com/2010/04/23/non-native-speakers-can-raise-multilingual-children/ article about teaching children without being a native speaker more advantages than disadvantages
Non-native speaker teaching a child?
I am trying to forrget my fears and make my LO learns a second language. I cannot afford to be abroad or pay a native speaker now. I am a teacher, why shouldn´t I do it for my daughter? I confess that I have learnt many words for these eleven months.
I am going to write here some of the things that I have done in order to teach her, my little sunshine. I would need to have more time.
Realia ,that is to say, showing the objects, animals and naming them in English.
Speaking to her
Covering with the blanket in the cot and play pekaboo saying where is Nuria? Here here I found you
Balloons with the letters in order to teach her the sounds
Writing words such as hello, bye, blue, numbers on the wall and removing them when songs are changing… while she is listening to songs with these words
Dvds programmes
Youtube videos
To improve my pronunciation get rid of your accent, among others
Get rid of your accent amazon
Youtube videos my links
Singing songs and dancing with her
Ks´Kids Doll Julia this doll says hello, bye, mama, papa, and repeat everything that someone says, even when she speaks…
signing flashcards to print
phonics website
Practical vocabulary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDMBVVKoQZ0 kitchen vocabulary there are three videos
I hope it helps someone and someone with experience gives her opinion. Thank you.