Graduates of Glenn Doman's Evan Thomas Institute or IAHP

I too am interested in knowing the results … but after a while (1yr ++), i gave up trying to know what have become of this students … i think to myself, if it had been really that popular and as succesful as doman himself said … then the whole worlds school system would be based on it. But the true is it isn’t. And therefore there are limitations to its method, as with anything and everything. Of course if you don’t get the results you were told to expect …(yes told since they have to tell you success stories to get you hook on it), they would simply say you didn’t do it right, or you over do it or … whatever … there will always be something they can say that explains why you failed … but the main thing is you believed in it once …

Whatever the students when grown up had become seems no longer important because they had not been able to give statistics … they may have become normal … or wishes to be left alone instead of compared to the general average … maybe they found they are not as gifted as the general gifted pool … also those studying and living in IAHP may be so used to the system that they can’t take the main stream system to learning and growing … and the real world isn’t IAHP world … in fact if you asked me i would think its abit too much spoon fed …

Which brings us to the debate on left brain or right brain. Today’s world is left brain, long long ago it was right brain, mor ein tune with nature. But the teaching of right brain is through intuitive means, through rapid flashing, through knowing without actually understanding, but the gees is not everybody has that means and therefore only a few privelleged was able to be above the rest … but now with left brain learning where things are learnt through exploring, through reasoning, through errors … and this are systemised so that more debates and research can be had … right brain … is …well seems more like spoon feeding … you get the stuff that had been researched proven to be facts and then flashed it into the right mind to store (photographic memory) … of ocurs eif you squeeze everything in if allowed to … where does the next frontier of knowledge come from ?? still it goes back to the left brain …

Based on that knowledge and research … i suspect right brain education is only effective upto certain age like 6 yrs or so … thereafter left brain training must take place to advance the child further … and it best if he can combine both left and right brain skills … research and reasoning + experience would give the child individual wisdom … but with right brain training from young he would be able to have better concentration power, better absorbtion of materials and speed if he still retains that photographic memory skills … but then again GD methods is about teaching your baby to read … and not really right brain per se …

so if yo uteach reading umpteen times day in day out … plus whatever activities you have scheduled … he is definitely going to surpass individuals his age who hasn’t been doing the same thing … like reading, music, math or language … but that othe rindividual maybe better at social skills, imagination, sports etc …

it is interesting to find out what are the set of skills most needed to function at optimum levels in the world. is it KNOWING alot of things, being able to speed read or is it critical reasoning, an understanding of the social complexities of todays society.

what is expected from these kids.

are they expected to be super special and expected to compete or create something the world hasnt seen and desperately needs. are they expected to be the intellectual super heroes of this generation. finding cures for deadly diseases.

does inspiration to create come easier to those that have a higher IQ or is it passion that drives a person.

maybe a small percentage of these kids werent happy (i say small because its very hard to think that these kids were not happy. i think of them as the happiest people in the world) hence didnt have passion. maybe they just wanted to do normal things.

intellectually superior people may not do great things. a passionate person however has the motivation to do great things.

maybe EQ needs to be developed just as much as IQ

I totally agree with Fatima. An awful lot of things have to come together in one human being to create a Nobel prize winner or a Bill Gates. A Doman education won’t get you far without drive and ambition, and that’s not something that Doman teaches, nor is it something that can even be taught. You just have to hope that your child has a strong natural drive (most people regardless of IQ have average ambition). And as far as a Nobel Prize winner, well that kind of drive is extremely rare. You are talking about a someone who is RELENTLESSLY self driven. In addition to that, your child also have to born at the right time, in the right place, with the right opportunities in front of them. And then of course they have to be fearless enough to take those opportunities. And then there is personality. In this world, a great personality is just as important as smarts.

When I look at Doman students (which I haven’t), I don’t necessarily hope to see Nobel Prize winners, I just hope to see what he promises which is fast learners who love to learn and who are not afraid of school but embrace school and love their teachers. That is sooooo what I want for my child and all the children of the hard working and self sacrificing care givers on this website. And I have no doubt they will grow into young adults with bright open minds.

My only hope for my son is that he is exposed so many different things early in life that he will in turn be able to easily decide what his interests are for himself. I just want to give him every opportunity possible to be a child knows how to self learn I (and enjoys it). I do not necessesarily want to create a Nobel prize winner. That is not the whole point of the program. I hope that he thinks learning is fun and not a chore and that he grows to be a happy and well rounded individual regardless of the path he choses. The “genius” factor is not important at all. I think that if this is what some people are trying to achieve from the program, then maybe they need to re think their objectives. Are they doing this for their child or for themselves?

Just to add to info about what the Doman gradutes are doing now:
Marlowe Doman graduated from GWU and is now a Lawyer.