Encyclopedic Knowledge program-Domanmom need help

I found this website with lots of BOI. Enjoy :slight_smile: http://www.theclassicalmommy.com/bitscollection.html

I don’t know all the details (yet) involved in making poi’s and boi’s but I’m slowly learning.

One thing I plan to do is get my older boys (8 and 10) involved in the research for the info needed. They love to be on the computer for just about anything and I know they would love to be involved with this “project” to help their little brother.

This way they are learning and it will save me some time. I am a big planner so I really want to have a lot of what I need ready before I begin. Otherwise, like you said domanmom, I will get overwhelmed and won’t be consisitent.

So much to do, so much to do…

Way to go sb1201! Getting your older children involved is a great idea, not only because they will be learning the information themselves and toning up on their research skills, but also because they will probably remember it much better because they are actually learning for a reason - to help teach their little brother! And what miracles this will do for their self-confidence, knowing that they are helping a little person to learn about the world.

here is how to start the EK program
remember these are just lists to give you ideas of where to start and how to do it
don’t feel like you have to doing everything
the important thing is to try and give your child a very broad base of knowledge
so try to pick a few from a lot of different subjects
i personal make bits from material i have easily available so although i am doing most of the categories i don’t always make them in the in the right order
and i make a lot of bits that are not on the list but that i think are important
if you have any questions please write me
have fun
tatianna :happy:

first off doman divides all knowledge into ten groups

divisions of knowledge

human physiology
general science

then you break the divisions down into categories


1 mammals
2 birds
3 reptiles
4 amphibians
5 fish
6 shells and shellfish
7 insects
8 flowers
9 tress
10 plants and shrubs


1 great leaders
2 great inventors
3 great scientist
4 great explorers
5 presidents
6 famous battles
7 monarchs of great britain
8 american indians
9 founding fathers of the usa
10 prehistoric man


1 continents and oceans
2 countries of the americas
3 countries of europe
4 countries of africa
5 countries of asia
6 states of the usa
7 flags of the world
8 traffic signs and symbols
9 mountains
10 great rivers of the world


1 musical instruments
2 musical notes
3 musical symbols
4 great composers
5 musical intervals
6 musical chords
7 great singers
8 great performers
9 ancient musical instruments
10 musical phrases


1 great artist
2 masterpieces of van gogh
3 masterpieces of picasso
4 masterpieces of da vinci
5 masterpieces of cezanne
6 masterpieces of rembrandt
7 masterpieces of michelangelo
8 masterpieces of durer
9 masterpieces of botticelli
10 masterpieces of holbein


1 geometric shapes
2 angles
3 measurements and calculation tools
4 mathematical symbols
5 geometric solids
6 roman numerals
7 metric measurements
8 great mathematicians
9 coordinate geometry
10 dot cards


1 organs of the body
2 bones of the body
3 muscles of the body
4 parts of a cell
5 digestive system
6 circulatory system
7 teeth
8 nervous system
9 reproductive system male
10 reproductive system female

general science

1 planets
2 constellations
3 chemical elements
4 minerals
5 automobiles
6 trains
7 airplanes
8 ships
9 inventions
10 tools

1 food
2 household objects
3 animals
4 nature
5 actions
6 antonyms
7 clothing
8 family members
9 vehicles
10 things around the neighborhood


1 authors of classic children’s books
2 writers of children’s literature’
3 american authors
4 american poets
5 shakespearean characters
6 english authors
7 english poets
8 great performers
9 great philosophers
10 poets of the world

Wow! Thanks! That will help get me started for sure. :yes:

glad to help
i will post the formulas for making POI later
it’s muse’s birthday so got to run

oh by the way sb1201
search the downloads before you get started making bits
because a lot of people (myself include) have made downloads of some of the categories already and that can save you a lot of work

Thanks for posting tatianna! Also to add to that is that within the categories, there are as many categories as there is knowledge! The first ten things listed are just general examples.

It would be great if we all could post our ideas for categories and sets (for example, a “category” would be “States of the USA” and a “set” within that category would be “Eastern States”) I know that I have a list a mile high of different categories and sets, and I would love to share and it would be great if others could too. (I just need to get my list together - right now it’s somewhat “spread out” as tons of notes in various places). I should start a new thread, one for each of the ten divisions of knowledge where people can add their ideas of sets and categories to do in that division.


yes there is so much you can do
i have made close to 350 bits just for art alone
in addition to the artist he mentions there are so many other really great ones as well
i am working on Renaissance artists right now
i bought a book on it for $15 and will get at least 100 bit out of it

in the book on EK doman talks about making the first magnitude of intelligence for each bit in your program
than after you taught that one to do the next one
i have been making the whole POI for each bit
but that takes a lot of time
what does everyone else do?

HI Tatianna, DomanMom and Heyblue41,

I have a GREAT link to do the POI. I was buying the DVD´s from Discovery Channel and from the DVD´s I would print out some Bits and prepare the BOI all at once. BUT, I learned about this site www.cosmeo.com which has every type of educational films prepared or bought by the Discovery Channel. If you are an american you can sign up for a one month free trial and than pay a montly fee of 10USD. If you are from another country you have to find a friend in American who would do that for you.

This site was my best investment.

Also I would like to make myself available to prepare the POI programs with you guys. Tatiana, I was so happy to see how well you organized the subjects and open it up by sub-subjects. I have been struggling in getting myself organized and create a well organized and consistent program. I have been crying with that everyday and everyday I find myself overwhelmed. I go to bed thinking about my kid and I struggle every night knowing that my kid is getting old for the program. I know that my kid is young, 2,5 years old, but we all know that everyday important and vital for the brain connections. I think that everyone of us went through the same process.

Finally DomanMom inspired me in starting the math program. I am happy now and less understress. I can sleep better because I know I have a group of parents whom are working together to prepare the program. Also I have a place to make my questions and have them answered.

Anyway please check www.cosmeo.com


Hello Tatianna,

I enjoy reading your art POIs. Thank you for sharing them.

I have started making country POIs for my daughter Penny who loves maps at the moment because her Nana and Pa flew to the UK recently and Grandma has set off to see the East Coast of Australia in her motor home.

After reading about Encyclopedic Knowledge in the Doman book “How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence” I am still a little in the dark about what you mean when you refer to the “formulas”.

Could you please explain more about them.

Hi there,

I just thought I would share a website where you might find some useful information. In the kids section of the met museum of art website there are bits and pieces of information on artists, ancient history etc…
Below is the link and I have found the section titled For kids to try right now! to be particularly useful for finding information that is suitable for children.


I have also purchased some board books with various famous works of art represented from their kid’s store which I think are quite nice for early readers. We have the Mini masters board books and the set of Touch the art board books. Please see the link below.


I hope that this is helpful.


WOW :ph34r: as a daddy… i am ashamed that i didnt even know all those stuffs!! Great work!! Complicated… :wacko: i will leave this to my wife