Early childhood and music education. New approach.

Do you have any possible music programs to open in the Dallas area?

I think i know where HH and DD are coming from.

I know of people, some my ex-music teacher, they are so so in reading musical notes but they play well. But of course i was a teenager then and those are the teachers i can afford. Of course needless to say i come out half baked or rather not baked at all.

I know of people who has Perfect Pitch (PP), but they don’t know how to read notes, they listen, they reproduce and they forgot …

I mean i like music so do my wife, but i can’t tell what note they are playing or what octave etc … so yes i am illetrate … though i can read a simple music scroll … but i can’t relate them …

But i am sure if i have the money or means when i was younger + added effort by me … i would do as well … probably being slightly more musically educated … but then again alot alot of effort is needed … and i still can’t afford a piano then… (yes i have to buy my own even as a kid)

I understand why HH says learn from a piano … you can’t do the grand staff with a guitar for sure … its easier with a piano … its laid out on the keyboard … :laugh: It’s easier to grasp the concept of music notes… to relate that note to the key and to the pitch or sound … and with practice it registers in the brain or ear or fingers … its easier to find the note later thru … hmm brain or ear or fingers … depending on how the individual relates to the notes …be it auditory or tactile or imaginary …

I am sure DD has his point … but that maybe old school (like i been thru) compared to what HH (although it isn’t new but new to the outside world) says … so for a kid to spend endless hours thumping down on a note without knowing or relating what she is thumping down on those key for or even what it relates too … it would seem very very boring and mudane … I mean if i can learn music thru a fun way … like the vertical notes, and keying it as well, and still getting a melodies expeirenced … and if i follow thru playing … parents and friends and even teachers or opp sex would be saying “wow” … right … so why would i want to waste time thumping down on my keyboard playing computer games??

I mean i still can learn to read notes, register the pitch or sound of that note and when it is played i can visualise the notes in my head as it is being played … i am more the visualization kind of guy …

But anyway lets go straight to the point … instead of spending tonnes on my child playing in a piano lesson spending hours thumping down on key repeatedly … and finding subsequently its too slow for her or not rewarding for her or that she simply isn’t musically talented … maybe i just try out the product … how about giving us a discount?? say 50% off for the full version?? just trying my luck dear …

Ps can we fly over to the state and let you train our girl for a few weeks?? or you need a few mths??
PPs … i know some people who can sing and carry a tone … but can’t read music notes … they just are KOK singers or remembers a tone … or beat … actually most singers who sings but doesn’t know how to play an instrument wouldn’t know how to read music sheets … well most I know are in asia anyway (like twins), but then again its packaging …

oh yeah sorry missed the point …

HH is saying music education in the narrow sense of reading music sheets and playing the instruments as per the music sheets … if you can’t read it you can’t play it …


DD is saying music education encapsulates …well basically a very broad sense, from playing it by notes or ear, singing it by heart or by talent, or simply saying wow this music is catchy … following a rythme or beat or actually appreciating classical and defining it … well like a music critic

This view comes about from one being a life time music educationist and one a music lover who also can play some instruments… by DD sense i should be musically educated but i don’t feel i am … because i can’t hit an instrument or sing simply by looking at a sheet but i may be able to do it by ear and trial and error… but hey DD lets look at it this way you are musically educated … congrates… hope one day my kids would be too … then a generalist like me …

But of course they have to learn to appreciate music first … before they learn to play it … just hope they ain’t tone deaf … :ohmy:

(but then again maybe HH should use the word “music notes or sheet education”, she probably got fed up with kids not even familiar with notes while playing the piano…, from an educationist point of view that can be quite fustrating … like how do you teach english spelling when the kids doesn’t even understand what is consanents and vowels.)

I have everything possible for any city in the USA and around the globe!
Any teacher from Dallas may contact me and we would organize training over Internet or in person.

Exactly: brain, ear or fingers. In our case also in EYES.

I mean i still can learn to read notes, register the pitch or sound of that note and when it is played i can visualise the notes in my head as it is being played ...... i am more the visualization kind of guy .....

Many people are visual and vision is very important in music training: your eyes have to be trained to grasp notation at once. After that all the ear training, memorization, coordination issues would come into place.

But anyway lets go straight to the point ..... instead of spending tonnes on my child playing in a piano lesson spending hours thumping down on key repeatedly ...... and finding subsequently its too slow for her or not rewarding for her or that she simply isn't musically talented ..... maybe i just try out the product .... how about giving us a discount?? say 50% off for the full version?? just trying my luck dear .....

I am here, in this forum, out of courtesy of the forum’s founders and us currently working on making some benefits for the forum’s members. You will be informed about the offers.

Ps can we fly over to the state and let you train our girl for a few weeks?? or you need a few mths?? PPs .... i know some people who can sing and carry a tone ..... but can't read music notes .... they just are KOK singers or remembers a tone .... or beat .... actually most singers who sings but doesn't know how to play an instrument wouldn't know how to read music sheets .... well most I know are in asia anyway (like twins), but then again its packaging ...

If you are not an educator and you are not planning to teach other kids, you may learn how to teach your child over the Internet (from this forum) and there is no need to fly to Texas for training.


There are 2 more ‘games’ (they are more on’ traditional’ side) that we use to teach music notes: Treble Staff Puzzle and Bass Staff puzzle.

We didn’t provide DEMO for Bass Staff Puzzle, because the game is a mirror copy of Treble Staff Puzzle.

ALL of our software based on very unique and advanced mathematical formula, that registers very move of a player. All the games are training eye-sight and ear of kids to read music score fluently.

You always have to start from very beginning, but always go to finish differently. When you make mistakes, games are slowing down and let you be in places that you don’t know longer. If you don’t make any mistakes, software is getting you to more and more advanced level and skips some levels.

The goal of every game is to finish it in short game time.

If you accomplish the whole game in less than 15-20 minutes, you achieve professional fluency.

With smaller children is better to stop the game in 3-5 minutes (by pressing F1) and write score down. Next time you play you stop the game again at the same time and write score again. If your child is getting more and more points, he/she is making progress.

If there is any interruption during playing, you have to stop the game by pressing F1. Otherwise, game would ‘think’ that you are not good enough and will lower the levels.

Tomorrow I will show you NOTE DURATION game: the game that have many important benefits for children to build better eye-hand coordination, feeling of rhythm and knowledge about duration.

Game Note Duration.
This game is helping in different aspects:

  1. I use it with beginners from 2+ year old to develop eye-hand coordination
  2. I use it for hand on experience to explain different durations of music notes
  3. Later on I use it to teach kids to count

At first colors help beginners to play melodies, bet the better coordination becomes the less colors are there to assist. Students learn the main priority in music reading - black and white representation of score.

It also the easiest game in a packagr and my students just lOVE to play it in their spare time. All they have to press is the space key on their computer keyboard to produce many fun tunes:


The rest of the package has computer+digital piano/keyboard software. It requires connection through cable:

If you have one, you will be able to check the software. If not, try to find a connector to see the core of Soft Mozart in action.


Now it is time for us to explore the Soft Mozart programs designed for piano+computer interaction.

Many companies were pursuing goal to make piano learning interactive, but only our approach works with 100% of population.

Why? Because we designed the interaction between students and Grand Staff through piano keys: we used animation to explain duration of music notes, their graphical differences and our personal coordination development.

Others use computer technology for ‘sweetening’ tedious theory drills or for ‘chasing’ piano keys through different colors.

As the spices on your kitchen shelves, lookalike music notes have to be organized in logical manner.

For example, in order for you to find spices on the fly, you are not coloring them in 7-12 different colors, and then you don’t memorize the order of the colors. It is just long and ineffective way around!

Music notes could be placed on spaces or lines. No more choices. We colored them red (lines) and blue (spaces)
Grand Staff has Treble and Bass Cleves: we colored them green and brown.
Each note has duration and has to be pressed differently - we presented them as ‘flower buds’ - the petals are opening according to their duration.

Well, it would take me too long to describe all the subtle features of the program. Let’s go practice!

First of all, you need to connect your computer with piano.

Here how you can do it: http://www.doremifasoft.com/cotopimico.html

Without such connection piano and computer won’t communicate. You can buy interface ( the connector) from us or find it on Internet or any music store that sale digital instrument.

This game is teaching kids music keys layout: http://www.doremifasoft.com/guesskeygame.html

Your 2-3 year old toddlers can start playing the game from very first moment! The game also develops eye hand coordination, develops ear and perfect pitch.

I use it when child just starts piano lessons, after that when I remove stickers a little bit later, after that when they move to acoustic piano and after that for ear training (I turn the monitor off and they play by ear)

Next time I would explain about the CORE of the system - program that teaches to play pieces and read music - GENTLE PIANO.

Read more about Soft Mozart and Gentle Piano here:

Hi all mother and father,

when i was pregnant i already play the classical music to him and also play different kind of CD after born. such as Peter Hubner etc. He like musci very much!

Thanks for what you have posted.

My son has been taking music lessons at home since three .
All I can say that early music education can help the child become smarter. The Mozart Effect, whether true or just a hoax, has provided evidence and testimonies from parents.

When it comes to successful music education - we can owe a lot from dedicated parents and teachers who’ve given all support to their children. Successful music education can be achieve from effective teaching style, parental involvement, and, of course, the child’s dedication.

We shared the free report on “Is Music a Birthright?”(http://www.brillkids.com/ext/partners/ebook-free-download-2.php) that gives some perspective the challenges of learning music, and their roots, some of which was brought out in our discussions. SoftMozart has some similar, more in depth articles on the origins and challenges of traditional music notation as well, the summary of which you can see in this thread


What I also added, in a different section, to try and give some perspective of the range of approaches and choices, is a series of posts about the four common approaches to learning piano (up to now). I believe that our methods, both Hellene of SoftMozart and Piano Wizard Academy, begin to shape a “fifth way”. What is important to appreciate is they were both developed in response to something that was not really working, in the context of the limitations of the other approaches, trying to compensate for those gaps and yet leverage their strengths. Though each method has its advocates and champions, including Hellene and I for our own, and those advocates can be as we have seen quite passionate and compelling, NONE OF THESE APPROACHES IS PERFECT. We do strive to honestly “perfect” our process every day, with more and more knowledge, and this forum has been I think very fruitful in its exploration of the options. Here is my latest contribution to that conversation.


I don’t know how many parents are following all this, but I can tell you if you are, you are now MUCH more knowledgeable about both the challenges of music education, and the pallet of options available, and I hope it helps you all find your own unique solution to your children’s needs, and leads to a less dogmatic, more practical, efficient and fun way to bring music into their lives.

I think, the method that gives the proven calculated result can be called perfect
Soft Mozart has all the necessary documents.


I have the “perfect” reply for you. As a creative person like myself, you are constantly imagining improvements, new features, upgrades you would like to do to your software, “perfecting” it.

Secondly, my wife is not “perfect” (WAH?), but she IS perfect for ME. So I know no matter how much I love and appreciate my program, it may not be “right” for someone, for whatever reason that has nothing to do with the merits or demerits of our approach.

So perfection is subject to time and relationship and that is why it is so fleeting and rare, and those moments and alignments so wonderful.

I also only found my “perfect for me” wife when I stopped looking for a “perfect” wife and instead for someone I could work on perfecting the garden of our relationship with. We are always “pulling weeds” (OW!) but we do it with love and a common vision, and I look at the educational process similarly, that we are never quite satisfied, and always trying to perfect the communication and improve it.

So that is what I meant by no method is perfect, i.e., no method is perfect for everyone, each must weigh the pros and cons and their own situation and priorities.

And I know your next version of your program will be even more perfecter than this one! I strive for that in mine as well, and we know only that we continue to evolve.



Before I answer you this, please, tell me, what is the better way to learn letters then letter with picture?