You can find more detailed description and other information about rearing a billingual baby here:
Here is a summary of available methods:
One Parent One Language
The easiest method for parents with different native tongues. Also great for intentional bilingualism. When parents have different native languages, and each parent speaks in his own language with the child, it will learn both languages equally well. This method, called One Parent One Language, requires no effort from the parents. They just act naturally.
One Parent One Language in Intentional Bilingual Education
There are many families where one parent (or both parents) speaks a second language. Either this parent is bilingual himself, or he speaks his second, “foreign” language very well. Such parent can use his second language with his child. If he uses the second language consistently, at all times, the child will learn both languages equally well. If he uses it somewhat inconsistently but there are other forms of support for the second language, the child may also learn both languages equally well. This situation is called intentional bilingualism, or artificial bilingualism.
Minority language at home
Great method to raise a child in two languages. Both parents speak the minority language at home, i.e. to the child and to each other. Minority language at home means that the minority language is the only language used within the nuclear family. In other words, both parents speak the minority language at home, to the child and to each other. The child learns the majority language from its surrounding environment, such as friends, grandparents and all other people.
Full application of this method requires that parents speak to each other in the minority language. Partial application means that parents speak the majority language to each other and minority language to their child/children. Both methods have proved to work and provide excellent results, provided the chosen method is applied consistently and without exceptions.
Minority Language at Home in Intentional Bilingual Education
In intentional (artificial) bilingual education, one or both parents is not a native speaker of the minority language. Yet only the minority language is used at home with this method. Example: a child in United States, with both parents native North Americans, who have good command of French, but there are no French in the neighbourhood. In this example, French is the minority language, and English is the majority language.
This approach is more demanding than One Parent One Language method, and it can seem even arduous. Parents usually do not know the minority language lullabies and nursery rhymes. They must spend time to learn them.
Other methods of bilingual education:
Phased languages
With this method , both parents speak one language to the child until it reaches about three years. By that time, the first language basics will have developed strongly. One parent will then start to use a second language. This second language is usually his/her native one. Typically, parents have different native languages. One parent has a good command of the other parent’s native language. Instead of using the OPOL method, they use this common language exclusively. At the age of three, when the language acquisition system is still flexible, the other native language is introduced. Or if this desired, target language is not a native language of either parent, a nanny/babysitter who is a native speaker of the target language may be hired. The first language should be the minority language. By using it exclusively during the early years of the child’s life, it is able to gain reliable foothold.
Language immersion
Language immersion, specifically French immersion is a form of bilingual education in Canada in which a child who has not spoken French as his or her first language studies in French. Canada is officially bilingual since 1867, and the French minority strives hard to hold back the onslaught of the English language
No rules method
It is also possible that parents agree on bringing the child in both languages, but do not want to follow any strict rules. Languages are then used according to theme and environment.
What occurs in such situation is called receptive bilingualism: ability to understand a language, but not to speak it. Receptive bilingualism can occur when a child realizes that they are dominant in a community language over the native language of their parents, and choose to speak to their parents only in the community language. These kids can rapidly achieve oral fluency when placed in situations where they are required to speak the subordinate language.
Other methods
One language is used by both parents on weekdays, the other one during the weekend.
One language in the morning, another in the afternoon
These methods impose unnatural strict rules, and are prone to failure, as the child or the parents or both may get tired of these schemes and cease to use them after a few months.