Buy Soft Mozart or wait for Little Musician.

Hehe I can see where you two crossed wires :slight_smile: what Soft Mozart means by " only way" is that to learn the grand staff is the only way to get effective music education. She doesnā€™t mean the only program worth using. In fact she is encouraging using LR files for teaching solfege along with SM. It does seem from what I have seen that soft Mozart is possible the easiest way to teach grand staff to kids ( oh and adults too!) if you are happy to teach two programs I canā€™t see it would be a problem, my kids will 'do formal lessons in CDE through school and soft Mozart in do re me. So in effect we are doing the same thing but you are doing colours instead of CDE. If you are also teaching visualization skills ( mandala, photo eye play ect) then adding colours would most likely enhance your childā€™s ability to pick it up quickly.
Softmozart have just started an affiliate program, you can sign up throughout their forum, and often offers big discounts to schools in exchange for promotion. So if you think the school may be interested then send the details.
Oh and well done to your little pianist, picking up hot cross buns after about 10 tries. It took my oldest 7 months of piano lessons to get that far. My next girl will probably be bored in her beginner lessons!

Well, :smiley:

I have to chime in as wellā€¦

I definitely agree that we are all free to make our choices and pick a tool that works better for us.

But I also think that not all of the educational programs are equally good and not all of them will give you solid resultsā€¦

So I that is why my advice to everyone who truly wants that their child learn the Grand Staff and playing piano:

Please, stop waiting, stop researching, stop spending your money on the products that do not workā€¦

Give SoftMozart program a chance, and you will not regret!

Click here to visit Music Vision International LLC // SoftMozart

I started using SoftMozart program 7 weeks ago and can definitely tell you that SoftMozart does work and works fast and results will blow you away!

My daughter is learning to play various songs using SM program, she is learning Note Alphabet,
I have always SoftMozart forum to turn for advice and guidance.
I truly believe that for a child under 5 years old this program is optimal choice. After my DD will advance further we will be combining SM with traditional piano lessons.
The SM program lets you bring out the music genius in your child!
That is why I do not think It will be fair if I would say that all are programs deserve a spot under the sunā€¦
I really wish that all of them were coming with customer ratings in stars, like stuff on Amazon :biggrin:

I have to share this one with you!
My friendā€™s DD is 5 years old, she received SoftMozart Software and Keyboard as a Christmas present!
This is her progress after a month of using the program:

"We have not had a lot of time to practice the piano this week, because Nastya is getting ready for her ballet concert and she had a lot of practice, sometimes for four hours. However, she still tried to play the piano each day. But I didnā€™t give her a new staff to learn as I did not want her to feel exhausted.
Our progress so far:

  1. She plays her exercises every day. Most often she plays two on one day, and the other two the next day. On weekends, she played all of them.

  2. She played JB, OTJ, Christmas Tree, FS, HCB without software. Today, however, she played these songs with computer on , but notes are hidden. She was very happy, when she made no mistakes, and her delay was from 4 to 10.

  3. She practiced playing Old McDonald. I She learnt it by 3 parts, and today tried to play the whole song by both hands. Her third attempt was 85/88 and t+40

  4. She also started to sight read the premier nursery songs on presentation 2 (She doesnā€™t like presentation 4,5 yet. I donā€™t want to push her too much. I am sure she will ask for it when time comes.) here is her results( she played the song only once):

Tom,Tom, the Piperā€™s Son - 26/30 -t 35
The Farmer in the Dell - 33/33 - t30
The Little Indians - 38/40 - t27

  1. Her score for the Note Alphabet Game is 456.

  2. She really likes to play with flash cards. Today we had time, so we started to use flash cards to learn skipping the note. We sort the cards by the order, and then Nastya flipped every other card, and sing what left. Then we played her most loved game: Pick a card and tell the notes starting with the one on the card. We tried to make it more difficult, and tell the sequence by skipping one note. It was challenging for her, but she liked it. Every time she didnā€™t know what note follows, she looked at her keyboard.

I see that she is enjoying the program, and asks to play every day. itā€™s just amazing. I never thought that without music background I would be able to help my child to learn play the piano, and learn myself. thank you for all who made it possible"

SoftMozart Click here to visit Music Vision International LLC

here is the link to their progress diary:


Very excited to find out that DD has PP across the whole keyboard (white keys) and and likely DS too, but it was hard to tell with him. :slight_smile: I bought a huge bag of colored balls from Walmart a month or two ago that happened to match the Roy G Biv note colors we have been teaching them. As I played the notes, they happily selected the right balls and rolled them down some ramps we made, right into a bucket. They could not get enough of this game! I learned it from the aforementioned gentleman in this thread teaching pp classes in CA, as inspired by WHaP (although I have not even made it through one whole chapter of their book yet). What an amazing way to test them and have them very willingly participate! The color system has definitely worked well for us as a great form of learning and note expression. We will still continue on with learning piano of course, but this is great news for my kids. Iā€™ll try to catch some on video later!

After learning solfege songs in LMs, Lily would try to play the songs herself on the keyboard. I added colored dots to the keyboard that I had on hand from an office supply store that I colored with markers. I stuck them to the keyboard and ran a lonooong piece of shiny scotch tape over the length of the keyboard to ā€œlaminateā€ the colored dots and keep them from smearing. After that, I took a knife and just ran it between all the keys so each individual key would have a separate piece of tape on it without the pain of applying each piece individually. (I hope that made sense).

I had tried to test Lily previously to July without any success. In the last 6 months, all I have introduced is LMs and a random piano learning DVD that she got for Christmas that she has only been watching on and off for a couple of weeks. So, logic would lead me to conclude that PP was courtesy of LMs!

Wow, how exciting!!!

We got the first success story!

BrillKids Team, when will LMs software be finally available to the general public :wink: ?